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“A day before I first met Griffyn. I thought the first one was a mistake and there was nothing to it. The second one weirded me out, but I thought I could handle it on my own.

They’re all frowning at me, and I feel really guilty.

“Do we think these are coming from Ryan?” Griffyn asks, facing the other two.

“It’s not really his style. I’m pretty sure if he wanted me, he would just come here and rip you all to pieces and take me,” I say honestly.

They all turn to glare at me.

“Rip us to pieces? Really? If that’s how little faith you have in us, no wonder you don’t care about staying with us,” Griffyn says.

I think I hurt their male egos, but really, it’s not like I’ve seen them in action. How should I know what skills they possess?

“We are an elite team from The Supernatural Special Forces under the Supernatural Council. I can assure you, there is no one better,” Aksel says, tipping his chin up and staring down at me.

“I don’t put much faith in the supernatural council,” I tell them honestly. “And if I felt I needed protection, not just trying to help you catch Ryan, then I would go to Aly and her mates.”

Blaze’s eyes widen while Aksel grinds his teeth. Griffyn is just watching me with a blank expression on his face.

“Well, you have us,” is all Blaze eventually says.

Twenty Six


It has been hours since the blood lure incident. Felix slept it off and woke up feeling a lot better. Only to be told that Anna is receiving creepy notes. He was as mad as one would expect.

He followed me back to my room.

“What’s wrong with you, man? You’re sluggish, pale and your pheromones were really weak back there,” Felix asks. His eyes are crinkled in concern as he stares down at me.

I don’t answer. I can’t. There’s no way I want to explain it to him.

He continues to assess me before his eyes light up in recognition.

“You’re hungry. But why? Go out and eat. What’s stopping you?”

My beautiful perfect mate who I don’t deserve. The same girl who’s also your mate. Fuck.

Once again, I don’t say anything, ignoring his stare. I analyze every detail on the wall in front of me instead.

I do need to feed. This is getting dangerous, but I refuse to feed off anyone else. There’s a small part of me that hopes I can prove I’m more than just sex and earn Anna one day. And no one else holds any appeal to me after finding her. I don’t think my incubus would even feed from someone else.

“It’s her,” He whispers, sounding shocked. “You have a thing for my mate? Enough to stop feeding on anyone else?” He sounds excited.

I don’t answer, but my face must show the answer. He’s connecting all the dots right now, and I don’t have the energy to stop him.

“Because she’s your mate too! That’s why I don’t feel jealous when you’re around her. I couldn’t figure out why an incubus sniffing around my mate wasn’t bothering me. Why the fuck didn’t you tell me? Or her!” He starts slow, but by the end, he’s shouting.

“Keep your fucking voice down,” I hiss.

He complies but just barely. He’s high on energy from this revelation. “You’re starving yourself when your mate is in the same house. That makes no sense. When did you stop feeding? It couldn’t have been when we met her. You would have crashed a lot sooner.”

I glance up, looking at him through my lashes with a guilty grimace. “I’ve been feeding off of you and her. And the others. Plus, our incident in the closet. She gets aroused around us, and the little doses have been enough for a while, but they can’t sustain me forever.”

“So you didn’t go out and find someone else?” He asks, voice firm.

“No.” I decided to just admit it all. It’s been weighing heavy on me, and Felix is already in this with me. “I’m not good enough for her, man. I’m basically a sex toy, not good enough to be someone’s mate. That’s all I can offer her, and it’s not enough.”