Page 66 of Changed

“Aksel, take Anna while Griffyn and I handle the blood.” Blaze hands me off before stomping out of the room.

Some of the darkness fades until I can see within it, but a wall surrounds us.

Aksel holds me steady but at a distance until I feel like I can stand again. Felix flops onto the couch.

I hurry over to him, pushing his hair off his forehead. Felix is looking at me with a dopey smile on his face. He’s still conscious, just loopy.

“He’ll be okay. Your venom is strong running through his system. Paired with the blood loss, he’s just out of it,” Aksel tells me.

He maintains the surrounding darkness while I pet Felix. I’m sure if he stopped before the blood was gone, I would go back into a frenzy. I’ve never felt that out of control when it came to blood. It was like a drug, calling to me.

“I didn’t realize your darkness cut off outside stimuli,” I say.

Aksel just grunts in response.

A few minutes later, the darkness disappears, returning to Aksel. Blaze and Griffyn are standing there.

“What was it?” I ask.

They share a look. “It wasn’t real blood. I couldn’t tell until I got closer. It was synthetic and smelled sweeter and more potent,” Blaze answers.

“It didn’t affect me like normal blood. I’ve never gone into that much of a frenzy before,” I tell them.

“So someone wanted Anna to come bursting out of here, out of control. It was a lure,” Aksel says.

I nod. He’s right. I was completely out of control. I haven’t felt like that since I tried to kill Aly.

“Do you have any idea who would want to do that?” Griffyn asks. He’s sprawled himself across the sofa next to Felix.

The notes jump into my head immediately. I should probably tell them. If this is them escalating, I don’t want to be alone for what they do next.

“It has to be Ryan, right?” Griffyn asks. He sounds so confident, but I’m not so sure.

“Or,” I start, gaining all their attention, “It could be the person leaving me notes.”

I cringe, ready for them to blow up. It only takes a second.

“What notes?” Blaze roars.

“You’ve been getting notes?” Griffyn asks.

Aksel stays silent, but I can tell he’s furious from here. He probably thinks I’ve jeopardized his mission.

I can tell it’s taking a lot for Felix to follow the conversation. His eyes can’t seem to focus on one thing.

“Yes. I didn’t think much of it at first!” I say in my defense.

“What do they say?” Aksel asks.

It’ll just be easier to show them. I have them both hidden in my room here.

“I’ll go grab them,” I say.

I run up the stairs, escaping their fury for a brief reprieve. The notes are sitting in my nightstand drawer. I grab them before slowly making my way downstairs.

I hand them to Aksel, who reads one before passing it to Blaze. Blaze passes it to Griffyn until they’ve read them all.

“When did these start coming?” Blaze asks.