Page 58 of Pride

“Yeah, yeah,” he says, just like always. “I haven’t touched the hard stuff in a while girl.”

The last time I saw him his skin was pale, almost translucent, and his cheekbones were sunken, his face now had a healthy flush and his eyes have a proud gleam in them. This time he looks like it might actually be true.

“Good for you!” I turn to see an empty spot that’s usually taken. “Where’s Maggie?”

“Still coming back from the city. She’ll be here soon. She started the harmonica. She’s getting good and doesn’t do too bad.”

Maggie always seems to find a knack for busking. I remember feeling so relieved when he found her. His eyes would twinkle, like a bright light finally returning to him.

“Awesome. I can’t wait to hear.” I lean across holding out the bags of food, not too far though, as Ren doesn’t loosen his hold. “You can have a nice romantic meal together when she comes back. I went to Enzo’s tonight. You’re gonna love it. So good.”

I hear a small scoff behind me, and Ren’s body relaxes a bit. There was always a reason why I ordered so much food, and no, not because I’m a selfish gold digger like Dante likes to think.

“You’re an angel you know that, right?” Sammy thinks something that is not true, but I smile and accept his compliment.

“Yeah, yeah.”

“You know, we were very worried for a while when you never came back. The last time I saw ya, you were knocked up pretty good.”

The vibe from Ren’s body changes in an instant, his muscles getting rigid against mine. But it shouldn’t be a surprise anymore he knows what I’m running from.

“But when your friend Ria came by asking if I’d seen ya, I’d figured you skipped town. Mags is gonna be so happy that you’re alive and well.”

When he says Ria’s name, my breath seizes in my chest. I’ve been pushing her from my mind since I’ve been back. I’ve had access to my phone, but I never thought she’d want to hear from me again.

“Ria came here?” My voice is a whisper, if I tried anything louder there’s a good chance tears would fall, and I’d lose it.

“Not here, but down on Melrose,” he says, mentioning our first stop. “Yeah, about a year or so ago. She pops in every now and again. Think she misses ya.”

A wave of sadness so thick, it’s hard to breathe seems to pull me under and I blink away the tears. He took so much away from me, and Ria was the hardest to give up. This reunion is heavier than I thought, and maybe not the best of ideas.

“She said that fella came to see her looking for ya,” he says, making blood rush to my ears as fear sets in.

“Was she okay?” Please God, don’t let him have hurt her.

“Yeah, she said she was.”

The relief is instant, my shoulders sagging as my lungs finally begin to work again. Ren’s hands move from my waist to my stomach, holding me in place, anchoring me to him, which I need right now, whether he knows it or not.

“So, are you sticking around?” Sammy asks an innocent question, but with Ren’s arms around me and his hands holding me close, the question holds more weight than he realises.

“Probably not.” My voice is soft, and I drop my head.

There’s no point lying. To stay here is to sign my death sentence. Ren stands completely still. I hear a long, deep breath behind me, as my words sink in.

“If she comes back around, want me to pass on a message?”

Do I? I don’t know. What is there to say? I’ve missed you so much. I’m sorry I was a jackass and ditched you. Nothing will make it right, and it will only be worse if she knew I was in town and never reached out.

“No, it’s okay.” I notice Sammy’s eyes flick between me and Ren, so I use it as an excuse to change the subject. “I’m so sorry, how rude. Sammy, this is my... friend Ren.” I look behind me to Ren. “Ren, this is Sammy.”

“Howdy.” Sammy nods and smiles at Ren.

But Ren surprises not just me but Sammy, leaning forward, reaching out a hand to him. “Ren Vitali.”

Sammy tentatively shakes it, with curious eyes staring back at me.

“Looks like you’ve got quite the set up here.” Ren’s eyes dart around the gazebo, taking it in.