Page 59 of Pride

“They keep trying to kick us out, but we just stash it during the day and come back. Bloody cops, like any kids are coming to play in the middle of the night.”

“You should use some of those tarps, secure them around the edges, make a sort of windbreak,” Ren says, still evaluating the living quarters. “Must be cold out here at night.”

Damn, he gets me again. Another chip in the wall I’ve securely placed between us. His kindness is so damn cute, and so damn sexy.

“Not a bad idea,” Sammy looks around, assessing.

“It’s a great idea!” I nod to the empty alcohol bottles that he always says he needs to drink to stay warm. “Better than that to keep you warm at night.”

“Ah, Lilly, straight back to busting them aren’t ya.” He smiles at me, and everyone needs at least one person to look out for them and keep them accountable.

Sammy is smart, and well educated, yet time and time again, he ends up back here. No matter how much I’ve tried to help. He’s a good guy, but just landed himself in a bad situation that he just can’t quite come back from.

“I’ll swing by again if I can and replace those blankets.” They are looking ratted and thin, laid out over the concrete.

“If ya wanna just slip me the money I can go out and get them myself,” he asks and I can’t blame him for trying, but I just look at him like he’s dreaming.

“You know that’s not going to happen.”

He nods, accepting it and not taking offence. We both know he doesn’t have the will power to spend it on that.

“You ever wanna get out of this place and stop taking handouts, give me a call.” Ren moves beside me, then reaches in front handing Sammy a card. “I’m sure we can sort something out for you.”

My heart flutters and I can’t hold back the smile. I’ve seen few men willing to step up and help a homeless person, but then again, I’m starting to realise few men are like Ren. The way he’s handled tonight just makes it that much easier to fall in love with him.


Where did that come from?

I shake off that very dangerous thought.

“That’s very kind of ya.” Sammy takes the card and distracts me from my impending heart attack. “I’m a bit of a fuckup, so I’d just screw it up, anyway. But thanks.”

His honesty breaks my heart.

“And you take care of Lilly. She is an angel around here. Try and make her stay too if ya can,” Sammy says to Ren.

Ren looks at me smirking, and with eyes packed full of warmth. “I’m doing my best.”

My belly dances again, and I feel the blush on my cheeks flare.

I swallow and look back at Sammy who’s watching us intently. “Well, we better get going. There’s plenty of food for tomorrow. But don’t eat the chicken after tonight. Okay?”

“You got it, boss.” He salutes, and I bite back my laughter.

“Say hello to Maggie,” I say, slowly beginning to move away.

“Will do. Come back before you go if you can.” Then he turns to Ren. “And nice to meet ya.”

“You too.” Ren nods and takes my hand as he leads me back through the darkened path.

The air is crisp and the sky clear with stars, it’s been a long time since I’ve walked this path. Stepping back into a life I had left behind is bringing up so many emotions I’ve had buried away.

“So, you couldn’t decide what to eat, huh?” Ren says as we walk hand in hand back to the car.

I turn to him and smile. The way he looks at me, the way he is with me, it all makes me feel like he sees me - every part of me. It knocks me off kilter and leaves me vulnerable. I never thought I would feel this way, that anyone would make me feel this way.

After a deep breath, I answer, “I couldn’t. It all sounded so delicious. But I did tell you it wasn’t going to go to waste.”