
My instincts screamed at me that it was just a dream. That the first moment I let myself feel this hope, I would lose everything once again and find myself even worse off than I’d been before.

But for once, I ignored those instincts.

And as fire licked the feathers on my new, powerful body, I let myself love my life so much it fucking hurt.


Time flewpast as Calian and I soared over the forest. I knew which direction I would need to fly to get back to the Stronghold, even though I wasn’t sure I could find the clearing easily, and that made me feel better.

When we finally landed, the sun was setting behind the forest. I was grinning like a crazy person, my heartbeat even and happy just like the rest of me.

I had never felt that good before. Not for one fucking minute of my life on Earth.

Calian shifted faster than I did. His nudity didn’t faze me as I lunged toward him, throwing myself at him. My arms wrapped around his neck as I hugged his body fiercely to mine, gratitude thick enough to drown a fucking dolphin making my throat swell again.

“That was amazing,” I told Calian, squeezing him tightly.

“It was,” he murmured, his arms wrapping around my back until his grip on me was as tight as mine on him.

“Thank you,” I whispered, my damned eyes stinging. “Thank you so fucking much.”

“You shouldn’t thank me for something that brought me pleasure, January.”

“Just Ari. But shut up and let me thank you.”

He chuckled, the sound low and sexy.

I was too exhausted and exhilarated to care. There was a bit of an electric current running between us, too, but I barely noticed it as it slowly worked to drain my exhaustion away.

“Fly with me again tomorrow?” he murmured, his hands sliding up my back until one of them cradled my neck.

I jerked my head in a nod. “Definitely.”

“There will be more men outside come morning. I can feel their energy now as they watch us.”

The back of my neck prickled, and I fought the urge to turn and look around. “Don’t kill them while I sleep,” I whispered.

He gave me another low chuckle. “I make no promises.”

I bit my lip. “Seriously?”

“If any of them have decided your scent calls to them, they’ll try to kill me for the chance to pursue you. So yes, seriously.”

Damn him.

“Can you just… sleep on the floor of my room or something? That wouldn’t be breaking any rules, right?” I checked.

“There are no rules,” he said, his voice flooded with humor and something else I didn’t have a name for. “And yes, if you wish, I can sleep in your room.”


No one would die, then.

And since he didn’t know about sex, I wouldn’t have to worry about him pulling any sketchy shit.

“Okay, then… come on.” I stepped back, slipping my hand into his. I tried not to let our fingers slide between each other, but failed, and the damn things knitted together like they had minds of their own.