I kept walking, towing him with me.

We knocked on the door and waited for one of the other girls to open it. Sunny finally answered wearing a big ole’ smirk.

“Don’t,” I warned her, stepping past and tugging Calian in behind me.

“Mmhmm,” she said, so damn much sass in that one sound.

I tried to pull my hand out of his, but he picked that moment to tighten his grip, like he’d been expecting me to pull that shit.

I led Calian into my room behind me, and shut the door hard.

He stopped a short way into the room, studying me again as I stood with my back to the door. “You like them,” he remarked.

I knew he was talking about the other women, and I didn’t want to acknowledge it. “I don’t like many things,” I shot back. “Cake, flying, and hot showers, mainly.”

His gaze grew a bit curious. “There must be things you liked about Earth.”

“If there were, I wouldn’t have wished to get away from it.”

Suddenly questioning my decision to bring the man into my bedroom, I stepped past him and padded across the room. “I’m going to shower. Stay out here.” I’d lock the door, but the warning would help.

After grabbing another pair of the clothes I’d left strewn all over my bed like a damned slob, I ducked into the room and shut the door.

Having the slab of stone between me and Calian made me feel slightly better, even if I knew he could probably break through it if he wanted.

I rested my back against it, my eyes closing.

There was a quick knock on the door a moment later. “January?” Lian murmured.

It didn’t seem to matter how many times I told him to call me Ari.


“Would you mind if I stepped out to make you something to eat? Or would you rather I wait until you’re finished in the shower?”

My mind blanked for a long moment.

Had he just… asked me what I wanted?

What the hell?

Who did that?

“Uh…” I paused after saying the word, not sure what I would prefer.

I definitely wouldn’t say no to food, but something about the idea of him being out there chatting with the other human girls while I was in the shower made my jaw clench.

“Just wait for me,” I finally said.

“Of course.” His voice was soft, but I could picture that damned gorgeous smirk of his.

I stepped further into the bathroom, and my gaze caught on my reflection in the mirror.

Fuck, I looked… different.

My hair was still its usual golden brown, but the color seemed richer. Shinier.

When I turned my head, I noticed that my ears were pointed at the edges and lifted my fingers up to them, to trace the new shape.