Page 6 of Grimm

Get the hell over here.”

I frown as it’s not Viking who gives the command but Scorpion. What the fuck?

Brows furrowed, I make my way to their table. “What’s going on?”

“That’s my question for you,” Hydra remarks.

Confused even more, I glance at each of the men sitting around the table before settling on Hydra. "You want to explain what you mean by that?"

“You been gone for a month, boy,” Hydra notes.

“Yeah, you all know I was helping Rampage out.”

“More like running the fuck away,” Rock mutters.

“Can you all just get to the fuckin’ point?” I snap, not wanting to get into this.

“Since you were gone,” Viking grunts, getting my attention. He leans forward, bracing his elbows on the table in front of him with his fingers clasped together. “Something’s happened, and none of us are thrilled about it.”

“What?” I demand, my gut tightening at the thought of what it could be.

“Apricot is dating someone,” Scorpion announces, leveling a glare at me.

“Apricot is dating someone?” I repeat. My stomach feels as if the other man has landed a punch directly to it.

“Yeah,” Viking confirms. “But it’s not just anyone. She’s seeing Sutherland’s partner.”

“What the fuck?”

“You heard me,” Viking remarks, his eyes narrowing. “Now, what the hell are you gonna do about it?”

“You’re asking me?” I grind out, unsure of what he wants me to say, and at the same time, my mind is reeling with the news of Apricot dating. Even more that it’s a cop. I’ve got nothing against law enforcement, especially Sutherland. Maybe it’s the whole deal with Apricot being with some altogether that’s setting me on edge. I guess I never thought of the fact that I didn’t think through what would happen when she finally did start going out with someone.

Fucking hell.

I told her she wasn’t my type, and I hurt her to get her to move on, but damn, if this shit doesn’t burn something inside me like a hot poker to the gut.

“Boy, I know you,” Hydra remarks. “You been watching Apricot for a long fuckin’ time. We’ve all seen the dance between the two of you.”

“She doesn’t need a man like me,” I protest, dropping my head to glare at the floor and crossing my arms over my chest, it's something I used to do as a teen, and I never stopped doing it. Whenever something bothers me, I always cross my arms across my chest, almost in a protective manner.

“My opinion,” Scorpion says, his voice graded, “that’s exactly what she needs. Not someone we don’t know. No matter the fact, we know him.”

“Who is he?” I can’t stop myself from asking. He’s already said it was Sutherland’s partner but that doesn’t tell me who the fuckwad is.

“Tripp Sanchez,” Viking answers.

“Why’s that name sound familiar?” I frown, rolling the name over in my head several times trying to place it.

“Because he left town around the same time we got your ass away from the same fuckers who were trying to lure you both into their gang,” Rock informs, tapping his knuckles on the table. “He was a good kid and had his folks where you didn’t. They got him out of the area, and I guess he made something of himself.”

I nod as it comes back to me. We didn’t call him Tripp or Sanchez. The gang that was recruiting, or as Rock says luring us in, called Tripp, Mex, for his mixed heritage. I remember that shit. They gave him a hard time making him work hard and sometimes beating him nearly as much as they did me, making me prove myself as they said.


And now Apricot is out on a date with him.

I can’t let that shit fly.