Page 7 of Grimm

Not that I’ve got issues with the man. Hell, I ain’t see him in years, but Apricot, I’d decided while in Indiana that she’s mine, and I’m not about to lose her to anyone.

Finished with this conversation, I head to the stairs and take them two at a time heading for my room. After being on the road, I need a shower. I also gotta put a game plan together on what I’m gonna do with Apricot and this shit about her dating Tripp.

Regardless, I’ll be showing her she’s mine, one way or the other. I don’t give a damn if I have to interrupt her date with the man in order to do it.



“This place is looking great,” Fawn says, taking in all the work I’d put into my shop so far. “I’m proud of you for doing this.” She smiles, bringing her gaze back to mine. “I can’t wait to send clients your way who need flowers for weddings and birthdays. You’ll be busy for sure, especially being the only florist shop in town, and no one will have to go anywhere else.”

“Thanks.” I grin and look at the clock for the umpteenth time. It’s not that I want to get rid of Fawn, but I’m just anxious and I don’t know why.

Over the past several weeks, I’ve been seeing Tripp. We’d gone out a couple of times to see movies and have dinner. One night, he even took me dancing. But he also knows my heart is not in it. I guess you can say it’s been more like friends going out on the town. I know this because he and I talked about it a few times. Especially when he’d tried to kiss me, and I turned to give him my cheek. I explained I wasn’t ready for that just yet.

I also know he’s not looking for anything serious. At least not for the time being. This was fine with me since I’m not either. We have fun when we go out and Tripp makes me laugh. I find myself questioning why I can’t just jump in with two feet and let loose. It’s not like he hasn’t made it known he’d be down with it if I wanted. I just can’t and that plain old sucks.

Every time I think about kissing him, I imagine Grimm and feel a tinge of guilt. I don’t get it. It’s not like he and I are anything.

I inwardly shake the thought of Grimm away. There’s no point in thinking of a man who doesn’t want me. I should just bite the bullet and finally give myself completely to Tripp. Maybe then we’d go from something that’s supposed to be just friends to something serious.

“So, when will you officially open?” Fawn asks, bringing me back to the conversation at hand.

“Probably next week,” I answer. “I’m waiting on the last order to come in. I’ve already had people calling to place orders.”

“That’s great,” she says, a smile beaming in my direction.

I glance at the time again and smile at her. “It is. I’ve got to get ready and head home. Tripp and I are going out this evening.”

“How’s that going between you two?” she asks, cocking her head slightly.

“Good.” I nod, gathering my things together. “We’re getting to know each other.”

“That’s good,” she agrees, and I can feel her eyes on me, almost like she’s examining me. “So, you’ve given up on Grimm?”

It’s all I can do to keep from giving myself away and meet her gaze head-on. “There was nothing to give up on in the first place.”

“Right. Well, heads up, he’s back in town.”

My breath seizes in my lungs, and I shake my head. “None of my business if he’s back or not.” I shrug, hoping to hide the panic that wants to take over. “I’ve gotta get going, so I’ll see you later,” I say, heading for the front doors, keys in hand, more than ready to get away from this conversation. I knew Grimm had gone to go help out Rampage, but I also knew he’d come back sooner or later. I just didn’t know when he’d do it.

Fawn doesn’t push the conversation further, thankfully dropping it as we step out into bright sunlight. I blink, letting my eyes adjust to the difference, and turn to make sure I secure the door. I give Fawn a hug and head for my car, and it’s time to get home and get ready. And while I do that, I need to make a choice, one that can make or break me on where I go next with my relationship with Tripp.

* * *

I park in front of my place and sigh nervously. Mainly because the whole drive home I kept playing different scenarios in my head. The kicker of those scenarios is they all switch to being Grimm and me instead of Tripp and me. Something seriously must be wrong with me. I mean, Tripp is hot, funny, and sweet. He also understands where I’m at in my head where the two of us are concerned.

Turning the key, I shut off my car and get out. I quickly make my way up to my door and unlock it. I barely twist the knob before it’s yanked from my hands, and I’m dragged inside.

“What the . . .” I don’t get to finish my sentence as I realize who had hold of me.I swallow back the nerves threatening to take over out of fear. There’s nothing to fear now. Well, not physically. I know he won’t do anything to hurt me. “What are you doing here, Grimm?" My voice is barely a whisper as I meet his gaze, noting that I’m still in his arms.

“Hear you’re dating a cop,” he growls, turning us until he’s pressing me into the entryway wall.

I stiffen and blink up at him at his comment. Is that all he’s worried about? Me dating a cop? I shake my head, plant my hands against his chest, and push. “Back away, Grimm,” I demand. But he doesn’t budge.

“No,” he simply says.

Narrowing my gaze, I push more as a question pops into my head, and of course, the said question comes out on a blurt. “What are you doing here anyway? How did you get in here” I mean, it’s simple enough, and I do deserve an answer. I didn’t even know he knew where I lived. “Did you break in?”