Page 28 of Grimm

“Yeah, Pirate gave him the information he found.” Viking plants his hands on his waist and meets my gaze. “In church, we’ll talk about the rest, but I’ll say this now, I think you were targeted, and they were killed as a message for you and the rest of us.”

“What message would that be?” I cock my head side to side feeling it pop due to it being tense.

“That whoever killed Veronica can get to us, and this shit isn’t over. They’re hiding in the dark to keep us from finding out who they are,” he answers.


If that’s true, then none of us are safe. And if they were able to find my folks, then whoever the fuck is playing with us can look into each of our pasts. That right there is definitely not a good thing. Not one fucking bit.



My mind is a whirlwind, and I can’t stop worrying about what’s happening at the clubhouse. I knew Grimm wasn’t going to keep the letter to himself. He straight up told me last night over grilled cheese and ham sandwiches that he was informing the club.

I didn’t know how much time had passed while we were in the bedroom. Time had all but ceased to exist during our sexual festivities. I loved it, even the spanking. I never thought it could be so erotic. I’d read about how good it could be, and I’m tempted to do something to have Grimm do it again. But maybe not to the extent of him being infuriated.

While I fed Justice, he’d fixed us something to eat since we couldn’t order anything. Afterward, he’d taken the second playpen box upstairs and set it up. Justice sucked his bottle down, and I burped him. I can’t get over how small he is and how sweet. Looking at him, you can see the similarities between Grimm and Justice. With the drastic age difference, you would easily think they were father and son instead of brothers.

I quickly changed Justice’s diaper and put him in a clean one-piece-footed sleeper. I grab a blanket, throw it over my shoulder, and carry Justice upstairs.

Now here I am in my shop and waiting to hear something, or at least, I hope I’ll hear from Grimm soon. I hate fretting about every little thing.

The bell over the front door dings, getting my attention. I twist on my stool to see who’s come in and smile at Nevaeh. “Hey, chick, what are you doing here?”

“I wanted to check on you. Peyton told me what happened at the clubhouse yesterday, so I figured I’d see for myself that you’re okay,” Nevaeh answered, closing the distance between us.Nevaeh was one of the girls who’d been rescued when everything went down with Fawn, and the club helped her by not only giving her a place to live but a job at one of the restaurants.

“I’m good.” I hop off the stool and carry the flower arrangement I’d been fiddling with, putting it on the counter.

“Pretty,” she says, looking at the flower arrangement and then back to me. “That’s good you say that, but seriously, how are you?”

“Really, I’m good.” I nod, then sigh when she quirks a brow at me. “Okay fine. It’s been a lot. Loads really. I finally have Grimm as mine, and everything seems to want to go chaotic.” I go on to tell her all that’s happened, pouring it all out. Every detail about what happened with Tripp and Grimm, the part where he claimed me, even the sex. I don’t leave a single thing out.

“Holy shit, chickadee, talk about some serious shit you’ve had going on. And I’m taking it you haven’t talked to Fawn, Peyton, or Shyann about any of this?”

“I haven’t had time to. The times Fawn was in, it was with clients and, of course, at the clubhouse, I can’t since their men are always near them. There’s no way I’d talk about any of this where one of them could hear it.”

“I see your point.” She grimaces. “Well, how about we go to lunch? You and me, and we’ll go over everything, and I’ll also talk to you about maybe taking me on as an employee?”

I blink at her for a second, taken back by her asking for a job.

“You want to work here?” I point at the counter with my pointer finger. “At the flower shop?”

“Yeah, I need a change, and you could use some help.” She shrugs.

“I can’t pay much right now.” This is true, considering I just opened two days ago. But I could definitely use an extra set of hands.

“That’s okay. I have enough saved up to take a pay cut.”

“Then you’re hired.” I laugh, wanting to hug her.

“Awesome, now let’s go to lunch to celebrate.”

“You got it.” I step back from the counter and turn to grab my keys. I close the shop, flipping the sign to closed and lock the door, ready to spend some time with Nevaeh.

* * *

Nevaeh and I’ve been at lunch for well over an hour just laughing. I know I should return to the shop, but I’m having a great time. I check the time on my cell and see a text from Grimm.