Page 27 of Grimm


“You want to say that again?” Scorpion grinds outs.

Last night, I texted Viking and Scorpion that I needed to meet with them along with Hydra. I wasn’t taking chances with Apricot. She fucked up thinking it was nothing regarding the letters she’d been getting. It’s why this morning I didn’t let her drive herself to the shop. I drove us straight to the clubhouse, grabbed a spare SUV we keep, and took her to work. She wanted to keep Justice with her there, which would be fine, but she didn’t have anything there for him.

After dropping her off work, I ensured a prospect was on her and came back to the clubhouse. Sabrina took Justice from me, and I searched for my Prez and the others.

I’d just finished telling them what I found out last night and sensed the anger rolling off of them as I’d felt myself when I found out. The thought led to me thinking of what we’d done after and how I’d punished her for keeping secrets. I don’t need my dick getting hard right now. I know I did to her things I hadn’t planned to introduce her to until after she was more used to me, but with what she did, I couldn’t hold back. What I wanted to do was to tie her to the bed, but she didn’t have slats on the headboard for me to do so. However, what I did worked just as well, and fuck if it wasn’t a sight to see.

“Do you have the letter?” Viking demands, getting my attention.

“Yeah.” I reach back into my pocket and pull it out. “My first thought was that it has something to do with her aunt and uncle and the shit CJ went through, but I can’t be sure.”

Scorpion takes it from me, reads over it, and hands it to Hydra, who does the same, then thrusts it toward Viking. Viking scans over the paper and clenches it in his fist.

“This shit ain’t happening again,” Viking snarls.

“It can’t be that cult bullshit. Apricot’s not a firstborn,” Scorpion growls. “It’s always been a firstborn girl that cult wanted for the ones that were ‘Chosen’.”

“We may need to talk to CJ about this. She might know who we’re dealing with,” Hydra suggests.

“Doubt it,” Viking grunts, “Axe told me she’s been talking to him about the shit and the cat and mouse game they played with her over the years. But they always used threats against Apricot to keep at her.”

“Still could be them. Why threaten CJ with Apricot? What’s special about her that they’d threaten her with?” Hydra questions.

Scorpion runs a hand along the back of his neck, and I watch as he tenses further. “CJ didn’t, by chance, mention anything about birthmarks, did she?” he finally asks through clenched teeth.

Hydra looks at him and curses before shaking his head like he’d just remembered something. “Fuck.”

“What?” Viking and I demand at the same time.

“Shouldn’t have forgotten about that shit,” Hydra growls, raking a hand through his hair as he starts to pace.

“Forgot what?” I grind out, not liking this.

“Apricot’s got birthmark at her hairline on the neck,” Scorpion answers, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Yeah, what about it?” I wish he’d just spit it out and not make me wait for the answer.

“Fireball told me about it,” Hydra speaks up, releasing a harsh breath before continuing. “We’d been dealing with a shitstorm at the club. Fireball was worried about his girls. Not only because CJ was his firstborn, and if his woman’s family found out, they’d do something to get her, but also due to the mark that’s on Apricot’s neck. We all kept that shit a secret. The girls were protected at all costs in the clubhouse when they weren’t with their parents. Then we lost Fireball and his woman. Because of what was going on with Viking’s mom and me and the divorce, I couldn’t get custody of them, and that bitch took both girls. By luck, they let Scorpion and Sabrina adopt Apricot.”

“So, because of this birthmark, she’s picked. Why?” I furrow my brows, not understanding.

“Because those with the marks are supposedly the true ‘Chosen’ for what they call the ‘Dark Lord’ or some bullshit,” Hydra spits out.

“Those motherfuckers ain’t gonna get their hands on her,” I snarl, rage beginning to build in my veins. I’m not going to lose her to some fucked up group who seem to think they can use women as property and for sacrifices. Fuck that. “Why doesn’t she know any of this?”

“Never thought we’d have to deal with more of this shit after the ordeal with CJ,” Scorpion growls. “She didn’t want her sister to know the full truth of all of it. We all know Apricot would have felt guilty, and that’s something she doesn’t need.”

“If she’d fuckin’ known, she wouldn’t have been keeping this shit to herself,” I grind out.

“Maybe, maybe not,” Viking seethes. “Now that we know this shit, we can be on the lookout to make sure nothing happens to her,” he says, focusing on me. “You said you put someone on her this morning at the shop?”

“Yeah, one of the prospects.” I nod.

“Good. For now, anytime she’s not with you or any of us, she’s got a prospect on her,” he decrees and releases a haggard breath. “Now let’s move on to this shit with your folks. Pirate got some information on Tweak, none of it good, but he’s not the one who shot your folks up with heroin.”

“Fuck, you tell Tripp?” I grumble, wishing it was him so this shit could be over with.