Page 24 of Grimm

When we finished up, I gathered Apricot and Justice. We went to the store. I’d left my bike at the clubhouse and put both my woman, and guess, I might as well say my kid, in the small as fuck car. I’m gonna have to get a bigger vehicle for me, but also something more dependable for Apricot. If something were to come at her, she’d be dead on impact with how small the damn car is. That’s something I can’t let happen.

“Dimples, you get him, and I’ll bring the shit inside,” I say, turning to Apricot, indicating she take care of Justice while I get everything out of the car.

Since I left her to handle church earlier, she’s been quiet. More than normal, and after the day we’ve had, I can understand, but I don’t like it.

“He’s fine for right now,” she murmurs, looking at where I placed Justice. “I’ll help you get everything in. We work on it together, and it’ll go by faster, it’s not much, but still, it’s bulky.”

“Right.” I grunt, “Let’s just get it done then.” I step toward Apricot, intending to kiss her, but she spins on her heel and steps toward the door. I catch her wrist and turn her to face me, seeing the apprehension in the depths of her vibrant eyes. “You good?”

“I’m fine,” she says softly and smiles, but even I’m not that much of a dumbass and know what it means when a woman says that shit. I’ve heard Viking, Ice, and War talking about the times their women say that shit to them.

“I call bullshit, Dimples, but I’ll give you time,” I state, leaning in, getting directly in her face. “We’ll get this shit in, order food ‘cause I’m fuckin’ starved, and then you’ll tell me before I fuck you and crash.”

I let Apricot go, step around her, and head for the car to start unloading it. Still, I didn’t miss the sharp intake of breath she took before following. It takes us both two trips, me bringing in the heavy and big items while she grabs the bags.

While at the store, we’d gotten two of those playpens that have the changing area and bassinet for Justice to sleep in for the time being. I’m gonna have to go pick up a crib later, but for now, this will work. With that, I’d gotten a new carrier for Justice, but I’d opened that at the store and switched him to it before putting him back in the car and asking them to throw the old one away. We’d gotten a case of diapers, wipes, bottles—the ones meant to help with them not getting colic, whatever that is—and a baby monitor that has a video screen. In the bags were clothes for him to wear now and to grow into, along with baby shampoo, soap, and lotion. There was even a medical kit that has baby pain relief meds, some bulb thing, and diaper rash cream.

I never realized how much a kid needed until now.

Apricot slowly starts unloading the bags and sets things neatly in piles as I just stand there watching her. She’s damn beautiful and would make a great mom. I’m sure of it.

Fuck me.

Shaking my head, I toe my boots off and set them by the door. “I’ll be right back,” I tell her and go upstairs to the bedroom and take a quick shower. Hot spray hits my body, helping with the tension there.

After my shower, I dry off and dress in only a pair of sweatpants. I head back downstairs to find Apricot setting one of the two playpens together. One was gonna be down here while the other went upstairs. When I get the crib, it’ll go to my place. I think it’s where we’ll be living from now on. This townhouse ain’t big enough. Besides, I’ve got a yard.

“You need any help?” I ask, getting Apricot’s attention.

Apricot lifts her head and gives me a small smile. “No, I’m almost done here. Then I’ll move Justice from the carrier.”

“All right. Then I’m gonna order some food.” I walk across the room to the kitchen counter to get one of the menus Apricot keeps there.

“Okay,” she says and goes about finishing what she’s doing.

Seeing a stack of junk mail she’d been going through the other day, I pick it up. I was getting ready to throw it in the trash when I noticed one of them she’d balled up. Glancing over my shoulder, I frown and set the papers back down. I grab the ball of paper and unravel it, and nearly see red at what I read. “What the fuck is this?" I snarl, holding it as I twist to face my woman.

Apricot lifts her head, sees the paper in my hand, and visibly swallows as her face pales.

“Grimm,” she whispers and straightens.

“Tell me what this is about, Apricot,” I command, not about to let this shit go.

“I was gonna tell you.” Apricot drops her gaze to the floor and fidgets with her fingers in front of her. A sign of her nervousness. All the years I’ve known her, I knew this was something she’s always done.

“Yeah, when?” I growl, stepping forward.

“Please, Grimm, give me just a moment, and I’ll tell you,” she says, looking over her shoulder to Justice.

I clench my jaw and look at the playpen and then at her. “That set up all the way?”

“Yes.” She nods and pulls her lip between her teeth.

Nodding, I stalk over to the baby and unbuckle him. Being gentle with his tiny body, I lift him out of the carrier, carry him over to the playpen, and lay him in the thing. He doesn’t wake or shift other than to lift his little fist upward.

I step away, grab Apricot’s wrist, and drag her into the kitchen. I pin her against the counter. “Explain now.”