Page 23 of Grimm

“Good, now I gotta know where you’re at with this. You and me, we’re together and now I’ve got Justice. You gonna be cool with him being at the house with us?”

“Yes, I always wanted kids, I mean . . .”

“That’s something else we gotta talk about, Dimples.” His fingers flex at my waist. “Took you several times now, baby. Came in you each time. Wasn’t thinkin’ about protection.”

“I’m on the pill. Have been since I was sixteen because it helps with my period and cramps I used to get,” I blurt and blush, wanting to smack myself for blathering that snippet of information.

“Good to know, baby. Now, seriously, you gonna be okay with me having Justice at your place? If not, I’ll take him to mine. Probably better, it’s got more room in it.”

“Your place?” I cock a brow. “How come I haven’t seen it or knew anything about it?”

“Because I don’t use it much, but you still haven’t answered my question.”

“I don’t mind him being at home. I mean, I love kids. I want to have three,” I rant and realize what I said and blush, “I mean, one day.”

“Right.” Grimm’s lip twitches, and he leans in to press a kiss to my lips. “Gotta let your mom know you’re okay, and I want you to meet Justice. I’m sure the others will want to know you’re good.”

I groan and tilt my head back to stare at the ceiling, willing it to open up a black hole and suck me into it. “Great.”

Grimm stands, taking me with him, his hands slide down, and he cups my bottom. “It’ll be okay.”

* * *

“Dimples, you gonna be okay while we got church?” Grimm asks, getting my attention.

I lift my gaze from Justice to smile at Grimm and nod. “Yeah.”

“Be back soon as we’re done. We’ve got shit to do so we can get home finally,” he says, leaning down to press a kiss to my lips.

“Okay,” I murmured into his mouth before he walked away.

After Grimm brought me out into the main room, the first thing that happened was me assuring everyone I was okay. Grimm sat me down on one of the cushy couches and went to take Justice from my mom. Of course, my mom didn’t waste time laying into me. She chastised me for an hour straight. My dad got in on it, and they demanded to know everything. From the first episode and how I found out, to the doctor I’ve been seeing. All of it.

They finally dropped it when Justice started crying, and Grimm set the baby in my lap with a bottle. “Feed him for me.” The way Grimm said it, I realized he was freaked about this as much as anyone else could be.

I nodded and dropped my gaze to the bundle now in my arms. I took one look at the baby and was a goner.

Now Justice is sleeping against my chest, fist to mouth, and my mom’s still hovering around. The one time I told her to back up, she snapped at me that was not happening.

At least someone remembered my store. Viking asked Fawn and Peyton to take care of the place for me. I didn’t have the mental capacity right now to do it myself.

This is fine, but I need to sort through all I now have on my mind. Grimm now had Justice and being with him meant taking on a child. I don’t mind this at all. I mean, I’ve thought about it enough over the years about how I wanted to give Grimm kids. Justice might not be his son, but he’s his brother and his responsibility to raise. He can’t just take care of the kid and not treat him like his own. Being adopted myself, I know I lucked out with some amazing parents.

I sigh, processing through everything else, and I come to the conclusion I have one more thing to tell Grimm. Though I don’t want to. It’s not like it’s ever been more than it is. But with all that’s happened and now with Justice in our lives, I can’t take the chance. He needs to know.

And when I tell him, I know he won’t be happy.

Not in the least.



I release a breath, exhausted and more than ready to crash. As I step inside the townhouse, I place Justice, who’s out like a light in his new carrier, on the couch.

During church, I’d given my brothers everything that I found out from Tripp. Viking put Pirate on Tweak, wanting to see what we can get before I go in and deal with it in person. They didn’t want me to go alone on this bullshit as I was willing to do. No matter how much I despise my folks, I still don’t give a shit they’re dead. They died a long time ago, but from all I’d found out from Genesis, they’d seemed to get their lives straight, and my little brother lost his parents. I have no doubt Tweak is involved. He hated me back then, and to this day, he hates me. But I won’t know for sure until Pirate gets done with what he’s gotta do, and then, and I get in his face to confront him.

I guess I can see Viking’s reason for wanting me to hold off until we know more. I could easily be walking into a shitshow that would cause another war we don’t need, not when we’re at a stand-still war with whoever the fuck killed Peyton’s sister and left that note. All we know on that end right now is the mayor and chief of police are a part of whatever bullshit is going on.