Page 22 of Grimm

I nod, not taking my eyes off Apricot.

The door closes to my room, and I move to sit next to her on the bed. All thoughts of anything else were pushed to the side for the moment in time.A few minutes pass, and Apricot groans, coming to and her eyes flutter open. She stares at me for a moment and blinks her confusion away.

“You scared the shit out of me, Dimples,” I state gruffly before she can open her mouth to say anything. “Didn’t know what the fuck was happening. Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because . . .” She stops, clears her throat, presses her hands to bed, and pushes herself up. “I didn’t want to see the very look you have in your eyes right now.”

“What look?” I demand, doing my best not to get pissed. She just had a fucking seizure in my arms, and I don’t want something else to trigger another one. Hell, I don’t even know what set it her off. Other than she saw me holding Justice. But that can’t be what did it, could it?”

“The pity look, one where you think I’m made of glass and always needing protecting,” she says, diverting her eyes to stare across the room.

“When did you find out?” I ask.

“A while ago. I was at school. My friend was with me and got me to the hospital. I begged them to keep it a secret. I didn’t want anyone to know about it. I find out I have epilepsy. I’ve only had one episode. And I always take my meds.”

“Did you take them this morning?”

“It slipped my mind at first, and I said I was going to take it when I got here. I just didn’t get the chance.”

I nod, still not happy with her keeping this shit from everyone. “You know the looks that you’re given aren’t out of pity and all that shit. It’s because we all care. None of us, especially your folks and me don’t want anything to happen to you. I definitely don’t want to lose you when I’ve finally got you.” I reach up and stroke her cheek with the backs of my fingers.

Apricot’s breath hitches, and she finally looks at me. “Whose baby?” she asks. “Is it yours? Is that why you weren’t home when I woke up? One of the many women you’ve been through contacted you about you having a kid?”

Narrowing my eyes, I slide my fingers to cup the back of her neck. “I’m gonna let that shit slide just this once, baby, but that’s it.”

“Well, there’s only one way a baby is made, and you’ve had a lotta experience in that department.”

I stare into her eyes for a moment, seeing the emotional turmoil in her gaze, and I know she’s getting ready to work herself up again. I’m gonna have to do something I didn’t want her to know.




“The kid ain’t mine, but he is,” Grimm declares, and that simple statement screws with my head.

“How is he not, but he is?” I frown, not understanding him.

Sighing, Grimm drops his hand and stands. He runs his hands through his hair, releases a harsh breath, and pinches the bridge of his nose. When his eyes come back to me, I know he’s not actually with me, with me. “My folks had me when my mom was fifteen. Dad was seventeen. They got kicked out of their homes when the secret was out. They got married and found a place to live in, some worn-out trailer where they lived. Hell, that’s where they probably still lived.”


Grimm ignores me and paces. “Growing up, neither parent gave two shits about me. They were more worried about where to get the next fix from. I don’t know how they made money to be able to keep from being put out on the streets, but they were never sober. I can’t remember a single time. I got older and started in with a gang that was in that portion. I was being groomed by the leader when Hydra and Rock pulled my ass out. I never understood why they did it, but I don’t give a fuck. I’m out of that life and never looked back. Not until I got a call in the middle of the night.”

I swallow and stare at him as he goes on. This time, his eyes focused on me.

“Tripp called me. We knew each other back in the day. Both of us able to get out of that shit. Anyway, he called and told me to meet him. Didn’t know what it was about, then he told me about Justice. Also told me about my folks being dead. Justice is my little brother, and I was given the option of washing my hands of him or taking him on as my own.”

I gasp, my hands flying up to my mouth. “You’re taking him on,” I say more to myself than anything.

Grimm nods, moves to the side of the bed, and sits next to me. “This shit don’t go further than it already has. Only a select few know my past. I’m keeping it that way, and I’m asking you to as well.” I nod and drop my hand to reach out and grab his.

“I won’t say anything,” I whisper and squeeze his hand. “I’m good at keeping secrets.

That got a response out of Grimm. He releases my hand only to grip my wrist and yank me into his lap. “We’re not gonna joke about that shit. But I’d appreciate you not speaking of this again.”

I nod understandingly. “I promise.”