Page 25 of Misfire

He doesn’t want me, I think. He wants my mouth. “It wasn’t about sex, I thought.” There’s a hair tie on my wrist, and I take care pulling back my long hair into a bun, while keeping my gaze locked with his.

Jesse licks his lips. “It wasn’t. It’s more than that, but right now,” he groans, stroking his dick. “I want it to be about you eating my dick.”

Unfastening my seat belt, I lean down, pulling him into my mouth. His skin is soft and warm, and his scent hits me like a gut punch, my stomach lurching with desire. When I take the base of his shaft in between my thumb and forefinger, lash my tongue out against his shaft, his groan fills the cab. It’s all-encompassing relief and desire. It gives me courage and power, something I’ve never worried about having with a man before. I set the prices, and the rules for the Johns were my own. This isn’t like that, and I hope he knows it’s not how I’m viewing the situation. He thrusts his hips up to fuck the back of my throat, and I take it, letting it slide as far back as anatomy will allow. I lost my gag reflex long ago and I’ve never been so glad. In between my hand, the spit dripping over his balls, and his thrusts, the pace is violent. Not that I expected anything less from Jesse. At least I can say I was right about something. He’s passionate. Soulful. Damaged. I can taste the precum and can tell by the way his abs tense against my free hand, he’s close to orgasm. I’m using the part of my hand that isn’t bandaged, but I’m a little worried it might begin bleeding again.

I hum, slurp, suck furiously, trying to give back to him what he’s giving me. My core throbs when he says my real name. I want to be filled by him. Two broken puzzle pieces that can fix each other. His hands are softly resting on my head. He doesn’t have to push me down. I do that without being asked, gladly. My eyes are watering, and I know mascara is running down my face because spit is everywhere. It’s all I smell. In a low growl, he taps my head on each side, then moments later, comes down my throat in five hot bursts, his thick cock jerking against my windpipe. His muscles relax but his breathing remains rushed.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he says, tone a hushed whisper. “Are you okay?”

I slide him out of my mouth, leaving a puddle of saliva where I just worked. I wipe my mouth on the back of my hand. “Why wouldn’t I be okay? Are you okay? Was that okay?” As I ask, I wipe under my eyes and swallow a bit more of the cum that resides on the back of my tongue.

Jesse looks scared. “Was that okay? It was the best head of my life. I got caught up in the moment and went for it.”

I raise one brow and smirk. “Jesse, I can take whatever you can dish out.”

He exhales. “I guess you can. Fuck.” He whispers the last word. “That was more than memorable.”

As he zips up his pants and catches his breath, he continues looking at me like he’s not sure what to think of me. “Do you want me to, uh, get you off?” he asks.

“I’d rather not on the side of the road if that’s okay. I’m not saying no, because I want him. Badly, but not here.”After I witnessed the death of my last blood family member.Sucking him off did make me forget for a few minutes.

“Fair,” he says. “Drew, that was incomparable.”

“Is this what I’m doing for a paycheck now?” Insecurity rears, and I have to try to push it down.

“Would I offer to return the favor if you were doing that for a paycheck? No, of course not. You’re my assistant. You can help us level up our distribution. You know people with connections to Dirt Downs, right? You have a special skill set, and I’m not talking about that magic, filthy mouth of yours, either.” He clears his throat, uncomfortable with the conversation, but knowing it needs to take place. “You can help us start a new line now that this one is gone.”

Thelinehe’s referring to is my past. I bet every one of my exes were alive burned in that apartment complex. Goose bumps prickle my skin. “I can do that. Even if it’s not legal.”

“You’re worried about legalities?” he asks.

Using the visor mirror, I take my hair down and comb it with my fingers. “When it was cleaning your apartment, I felt like I was finally working. For real and above the table. I’d never had that before.”

“I understand that,” Jesse says. “We’ll figure something out, but you don’t have to worry about money anymore.” He coughs. “Especially when Riley gets a taste.”

I balk. “What’s that mean?” I rub my lips together because they’re dry. “I don’t want something for nothing,” I add. “I’ll do whatever you ask of me, legal or not. At least I know I won’t get in trouble.” The Astors live in a lawless land that’s hard to comprehend.

“Don’t worry about what I mean,” he says, smiling softly as he drives. “I’ll make sure your job is legal. That’s a valid point, and easy for me to offer.” He glances my way. “How’s your hand, by the way?”

“It’s fine. I worked through it,” I deadpan, annoyed he’s not telling me what he means. “Who is going to take care of all those women and children?”

“You’re worried about them?”

“Yes. They didn’t have a choice in what happened back there.” I close my eyes, trying not to think of Monica’s feet sticking out of her kitchen. “Who is going to handle making sure they get settled somewhere?”

“I handled it back in your grandma’s apartment. It’s already arranged and there’s a team at the motel waiting for them. I knew where you would send them based on our previous conversation. We always protect those who can’t protect themselves.”

“Is that why you took me in?” The question spills out, unchecked, and I hate myself for it.

Jesse pulls off the exit and his bicep bulges as he moves his arm. “You were an exception from the get-go. I won’t lie, I meant what I said. I’d wanted your lips on my dick from the moment I saw you, but you held my interest which had nothing to do with your vulnerability.”

I nod, aware he’s watching me. “Callie needs my help,” I say quietly.

“I already handled that, too.”

My head whips to face him. “When? How?”

He shrugs, turning to go through an underpass that always creeps me out. Homeless people set up tents here and there’s always murders that occur. “She wanted to leave the state. We gave her some money, and a plane ticket.” He goes on to say they procured a driver’s license and a passport for her. “Drew, your past is taken care of in a complete way. You can fully submerge yourself in our world now.”