Page 26 of Misfire

I stutter, trying to protest, because how dare he send my friend away, but how can I? He saved her in a way I wasn’t able to. She’s out. Callie has her shot at a new life. For a second, I’m a little jealous. Only because she gets to choose what she wants to do. After I met Jesse, there was never a choice for me. He is an ember that flames my soul. The sadistic, all-encompassing draw isn’t something I’ll ever question. Wouldn’t I want this connection for Callie?It’s unhealthy, my mind screams. Is it, though? Or is this my destiny unfolding? Despite all my thoughts, I simply thank Jesse.

My whole body feels sore as we ride the elevator up to his apartment. Jesse leaves me in the kitchen to go to work, and it’s the first time I’ve been here by myself. I call Callie the second Jesse leaves to confirm what he’s told me.

“You weren’t lying, babe,” Callie says instead of hello. “I didn’t tell you in my voice message checking in because I wanted to make sure everything went smoothly, and the way Jesse told me it would. He gave me your new phone number.” She laughs, and it’s a joyous sound. “I’m in Florida, babe! I have paperwork and work references. I’m going to get a job at one of those fancy hotels by the theme park working the front desk. Not cleaning. It’s my dream. This is my dream.”

I swallow hard. Even if I could tell her about Monica and the apartment complex, I wouldn’t because I don’t want to dim her happiness. It’s contagious. I smile even though my stomach is still swirling with unease. “I’m so happy for you,” I say. Wiping tears from underneath my eyes. “This is the best news I’ve heard all day.” Not a lie.

“Are you okay?” Callie notices my tone right away. “I don’t know much about your dude other than he has deep pockets. Is he treating you well?”

He left me alone after he offed my grandma. I’m a deep well of emotions right now and few are good. I want to fuck the killer and then love him back to life. You’re an idiot, my subconscious whispers. I tell her the legal parts of the Astor family dealings, and how I’m cleaning and helping with Jesse’s art business as an assistant. A job that is legal and might work out nicely if he’s agreeable to what I’ve concocted on the fly. She’s happy for me. Callie is elated, on a cloud I remember inhabiting before I knew things. I still don’t know much, though.

After we hang up, I’m left a crying mess because no one is here to check me. I shower off the morning and cook myself a late lunch. After I figure out the remote controls, I watch a show, then another. I do my makeup because Jesse said I’d see Riley tonight, but I have no idea what time. There are house plants taller than me that need water, so I do that. Then, even though I don’t need to, I clean. I’m leaning over a chair to get behind it with a vacuum when I hear the front door slam. It was locked, so whoever is here has a key.

It’s a guy I don’t recognize. My heart races immediately. Now I’ve seen exactly what my company is capable of, I can’t offer trust blindly. Tightening my hand on the vacuum, the only thing I have to defend myself, I hold it in front of me like I’m giving it to the guy. Real slick, I think.

He holds up his hands, palms facing me. “I apologize if I startled you. I’m Reggie. Mr. Astor sent me to accompany you down to his unit.”

“Riley sent you?” It’s down a floor surely, I can find my way alone.

Reggie clasps his hands behind his back, proving he’s not a threat. “Mr. Astor is finishing up a meeting,” he explains. “Please pack a bag.”

“All my things are right here, one floor up from his, why would I pack a…” It hits all at once. If Jesse and I are fucked up, bent edge puzzle pieces, Riley fits in here somewhere, too.Once Riley gets a taste.A bit of panic rears as I promise Reggie I’ll be quick.

He clears his throat. “Please don’t. Take your time. Never a worry, never a rush.” Reggie says the last sentence like a robot, so it must be a motto of sorts.

“You know, I can walk myself down if you tell me the unit number.”

“I’m afraid I’m under orders to deliver you myself. If you don’t mind, ma’am, allow me to grant his order.” That’s the first time, and I do mean first, anyone has called me that. Instead of arguing with the poor man who is trying to do his job, I pack. There’s a beautiful leather bag at the top of my closet, which spawns clothes when I’m not looking. There are many more options since the last time I looked in here. Not sure what I’m going to pack, I grab a red lingerie set, a cocktail dress, and a sweat suit that matches. I shove a couple pairs of heels into the side pockets and decide I’ll wear the sneakers Riley loves. I toss my new makeup kit in and unplug my phone charger. I’m flustered, confused, and sweating when I come out from the bedroom.

Reggie smiles and asks if he can carry my bag, actually he insists by the words that he uses. I give it to him and slip on my shoes. He tries to make small talk about the weather. It’s supposed to snow tomorrow, I guess. I’m so detached in this new life; I’d be hard pressed to tell you the day of the week. The elevator seems small when I share it with this stranger.

“Follow me,” he says.

I trail behind him until he gets to a set of large double doors. They’re made of iron, or some other heavy material I’ve never seen doors made of before.They’re bulletproof, I realize. My stomach lurches, but Reggie, used to this kind of thing, smiles, and opens the door for me. Unlike Jesse’s apartment, Riley’s is buzzing. There are at least a dozen people here. Some are wearing suits, some have on plain clothes, and there are a few women, too. No one is making themselves at home, you can tell they’re not here for chit chat by the way they stand at attention, quietly talking among themselves in small groups. When I amble in, their gazes swing my way and my face heats. Reggie closes the door, locks it, and I stand in the foyer, awkwardly looking around. This is me floundering, searching the big open space similar to Jesse’s for anyone familiar.

A woman in a neat pencil skirt who has an air of importance strides toward me, her heels punctuating each long step. “You must be Drew. I’m Amy Hansley.” Her hand extends to shake mine, but I’m too busy admiring her perfect nails and diamond rings to take it right away. She’s magazine beautiful. Amy smells expensive.

“Yes,” I reply, shakily. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“I coordinate Mr. Astor’s real estate acquisitions.”

I nod, trying to understand. “His realtor?”

She smiles. “Of sorts, sure, his realtor.” There’s a lull when I realize others are drawing nearer to us, and now I have no clue where Reggie disappeared to. “He’s finishing up one last meeting and we’ll be out of your way.”

It wouldn’t be so awkward if this weren’t my first time in this apartment, but I feel like I’m the trespasser. “Do you meet here a lot?” I ask, trying to make small talk. I’d be stupid not to use this time to learn things about the Astors.

“As I’m sure you know, he’s all over the place, but when he’s here, we do meet frequently to keep everything running smoothly. When he’s elsewhere, we travel to him, but this is home base for everyone here. The city is central to all of the Astor businesses.” She sees my eagerness to know more. “His general counsel is in the blue jacket holding the briefcase, the red-headed woman organizes charity events, the man in the jeans and black jacket is the chief of security, and the rest of them are heads of different departments.” She points. “James runs gambling and debts, Marco is the police chief,” she explains, and keeps going, but I’m hung up on the fact the police chief and the gambling department are laughing, locked in some kind of joyous conversation. What? “You may recognize the man with the bourbon at the window. That’s Mayor Townsend. He buttoned up some legislation to make it easier for us to make some larger business purchases.”

My mouth is open, and I don’t conceal my shock. “I’m, I’m sorry,” I say, then regret apologizing. “I’ve had a really bad day, and this is a lot.” I keep my voice low. “Thank you for the introduction, but I need a moment to myself if you don’t mind.” Amy excuses herself and bids me farewell. As if summoned, Reggie appears. He directs me to the bathroom, and I close and lock the door. There’s a rustic smelling candle burning on the counter. I lean my elbows down and focus on breathing. It doesn’t help that the cloying scent reminds me of Riley and that alone eases the confusion and pain from this day. It makes me feel psychotic instead.Run,I think. Run far away before their beautiful tentacles wrap so tight, they strangle you.

I use the bathroom because I’m here and take my time washing my hands. Someone smarter would run, but I want more. Gazing at myself in the mirror, I vow to give that vision everything she’s dreamed of. Blowing out a breath, I exit into a corridor that connects the main living space to the bedrooms. I can hear Reggie speaking, his light Caribbean accent carrying through the vast space, so I follow it. I find him in an office, his back to me, and Riley sitting at a desk in front of him, a fireplace blazing behind him. It’s a scene from an action movie. One in which the hero is frustrated from a long day of trying to get what he wants. The assistant is only trying to make things better, but can’t, and the heroine enters. Riley smiles at me, and the day already begins to melt away. I need this. More than anything else.

“Drew, you’re a sight for sore eyes,” Riley says, but he doesn’t make a move from the desk. “Reggie, that will be all. Make sure Marco has all entrances and exits covered.” The assistant nods and leaves, closing the door behind him, leaving me with this man. Alone.

My mind is piecing together the last order he gave him. “Why would you want all entrances and exits covered?” I take a step toward the giant desk and pause. He’s loosening a black tie while reading something on his laptop. “If you don’t mind me asking.”

“You’re in our world now.” My heart leaps. “You can ask anything you want.” He keeps tugging absentmindedly at the tie. “The, uh, situation in Dirt Downs made people angry. Not that they’d stand a chance, but there might be fringe bands of gang members that want to retaliate for the deaths of their men and the kidnapping of their women and children.”