Page 13 of Forbidden Lust

A tiny laugh escaped her lips, but there was no mistaking the gravity of this moment. “I want you to touch me.” The words came out with little effort. She’d been practicing them in her head for eons.

He raised his hand slowly, his palm facing her breast. Her nipples gathered tight in anticipation. He breached the sliver of space between them, his warm and slightly rough hand covering her breast. This was not sex, not even close, but it caused such a rush of heat in her body that she gasped.

“Like this?” he asked, gently squeezing.

“Yes.” Allison’s need for Zane made her breasts full and heavy. Electricity was buzzing between her legs. Now that the floodgates had been opened, she didn’t merely want him anymore.

She needed him.


What in the world was he doing? Zane’s hands were on both of Allison’s magnificent breasts, and he knew the logical next steps—kissing, trunks off, bikini bottoms gone and what he could only imagine would be the hottest sex of his life. Up against a palm tree. Rolling around in the warm sand. As amazing as that sounded, there was part of him that was terrified to go there. The temptation of forbidden fruit was no joke—he already had an erection that was not going to go away without some effort on somebody’s part. He never should’ve started this by touching her, but the look on Allison’s face right now, eyes half-closed in absolute pleasure, was such a turn-on, he wanted to get lost in it.

“Allison, I want to kiss you.”

“I want you to kiss me.” Her reply was swift and resolute.

He sucked in a deep breath as the ocean breezes blew his hair from his forehead. He dipped his head lower and closed his eyes, not thinking about anything other than doing what felt good. His lips met hers, and it was like tossing a match on a pile of tinder—her mouth was so soft and sexy. So giving and perfect. It was everything he could ever want from a kiss as her tongue swept along his lower lip. She popped up onto her tiptoes and leaned into him, telling him with a simple shifting of weight how badly she wanted him. But to punctuate the gesture, she reached around and grabbed his backside with both hands, pulling his hips sharply into hers. His body responded with a tightening between his legs that left him dizzy.

Allison flattened both hands on his pecs and spread her fingers wide, curling the tips into his muscles while peering up at him. “I want you, Zane. I want every inch of you.”

“Here? Now?”

She slid her hands across his chest away from each other and turned her attention to points south. His swim trunks were fully tented. “I hate to make either of us wait, but I don’t want to do this in the sand. The beach is beautiful, but one of our beds would be even better.”

Zane didn’t want to put anything on pause now that he’d made his decision. Everything between his legs was screaming at him to argue her point. But it might be wise to hold off until they could get back. It would give Allison a chance to change her mind. Zane could endure his inner tug-of-war some more. Then, if he and Allison still ended up in bed, he’d know in his heart that it hadn’t been a rash decision.

She grabbed his hand. “Come on. We can get back to my cottage in a half hour if we hurry.”

Disappointingly, while Zane collected their gear, Allison put her bikini top back on. They sat together in the shallow water, donning their fins. As he stood, something in the view of Rose Cove caught his eye—a sprawling white house atop the big hill rising from the beach where they’d embarked on their snorkeling trip. “Who stays up there?” he asked as they walked through the shallower depths. “I thought Hubert and Angelique lived in the main house, where the office is.”

“That’s the honeymoon cottage. It’s undergoing renovations. They’re giving it a serious face-lift. It’ll probably run five grand a night when they’re done.”


“I know. I’m hoping to see the progress before we leave.”

“I’d like to see it, too.”

“For now, you and I need to swim.” Allison pulled down her mask, adjusted the straps, plugged the snorkel end into her mouth and, like a frogman, dived into the deeper waters.

Zane followed, and this time they swam at a far less leisurely pace. Now the fish were dots of color as they zoomed past. Zane was focused on their destination until Allison came to a stop, treading water and pointing ahead. Zane scanned the depths, only to see a sea turtle come into his frame of vision. They floated in place, masks in the water as the massive creature glided toward them, then turned when it got too close, graceful, beautiful and all alone. Zane had never spent any time at all thinking about what it might be like to be a sea turtle, but he was struck by how apt the phrase “just keep swimming” was. To survive, all one could do was keep moving forward. His breaths came slow and even as he realized that he might be better served to get out of his own head every now and then and actually enjoy his life.

He and Allison watched as the turtle skated away, waiting until he was well out of sight before resuming their trek. It took very little time before they reached the beach and scooped up the rest of their belongings, including Allison’s hat. She urged him ahead with a wave. “Come on. I know a shortcut through the forest.”

He hustled behind her. It wasn’t long before he saw her cottage through the trees. “Why didn’t we go this way before? This is so much shorter.”

“I wasn’t in a hurry then.”

When they arrived at Allison’s cottage and they stepped through the door, Allison wasted no time, rising up on her tiptoes and kissing him deeply, digging her fingers into the hair at his nape. That kiss swept aside the doubts and questions he had about whether or not this was a good idea. That erection from before? It sprang to life in seconds flat as he returned the kiss and wrapped his arms around her naked waist. It felt impetuous. And dangerous. And for once in his life, he was ready to take caution and run it into the ground. Nobody had to know. This moment was all about Allison and him.

She wrenched her mouth from his, gazing up at him, her eyes wild and scanning. She probably thought he was about to bail on her like he had at Scott’s birthday, but he would not do that. Not this time. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her off to the bedroom.

“How chivalrous of you,” she said.

“I try,” he quipped back.

He set her on her feet, and she turned her back to him, lifting her hair and letting him do what he’d wanted to do so badly before—tug on the strings of her top. With the garment gone, he reached around and cupped her breasts, which fit so perfectly in his hands. A breathless sigh left her lips, and he knew he was on the right track. He wanted to please her so much that she had no choice but to make that sound over and over again. Allison pressed her bottom against his groin, wagging her hips back and forth, cranking up the pressure already raging in his hips and belly. She craned her neck to kiss him. Their tongues teased each other, wet lips skimming and playing.