Page 14 of Forbidden Lust

“You’re so damn sexy,” he whispered, moving to her glorious neck. It wasn’t merely a nice thing to say. It was the truth. Every soft curve of her body had him turned on.

She hummed her approval, dropping her head to one side. He ran his lips over every available inch, exploring the delicate skin beneath her ear and the graceful slope down to her shoulder. Her unbelievable smell, sweet jasmine and citrus, mixed with the salt of sea air, filling his nose and leaving him a little drunk, although everything about Allison was intoxicating. Her voice, her words, her touch...

He shifted his hands to her hips and with a single tug at both strings, undid her bikini bottoms. She wriggled a bit and they dropped to the floor. He pressed his hand against her silky smooth belly, inching lower until he reached her center. She was slick with heat, and Allison gasped when he touched her, reaching up and back to wrap her fingers around his neck. With his other hand he caressed her breast lightly, loving the velvety texture of her skin against his palm, teasing her pert nipple, as he returned his lips to her neck. Her breaths were labored and short and, judging by the sound, she was close to her peak, but he wanted to savor this time with her. He didn’t want to rush. There had been so much buildup to this moment, and he was certain it could never happen again. He wanted to appreciate this time with sweet and sinfully sexy Allison.

As if she knew what he was thinking, she turned in his arms and grabbed both sides of his head, pulling him closer in a kiss that put every other one to shame. Mouths open and hungry, wet and hurried, it was as if she was acknowledging that they could only travel this path once, and they had to make it count. She let go of her grip on him and moved to the drawstring of his trunks, making quick work and pushing them to the floor. As soon as she wrapped her hand around his length, he knew there was a good chance he wouldn’t last long. He clamped his eyes shut and walked that delicate line between relishing every firm stroke she took and trying to think about anything other than how damn hot she was. Unfortunately, his best friend popped into his mind, but he quickly banished the thought. He would not disappoint her. Not today.

Again he scooped her up in his arms, but this time, he laid her out on the bed. The vision of her soft and sumptuous naked body, his for the taking, reminded him that he was a fool for wanting anything less than hours of getting lost in her. One time didn’t have to mean a short time. They could make memories in this room.

She grinned as he allowed himself the luxury of her beauty. “Coming to bed?” She swished her hands across the crisp white sheets.

All he could think about was that this was the exact fantasy he’d had the other day. And now he got to live it. He was a ridiculously lucky man right now. “Just try to stop me.”

Allison could hardly believe this was happening, except that it was. Her body was buzzing with appreciation for Zane and the glee of finally having a taste of what she’d wanted for so long. Judging by his opening act, she was in for an unbelievable afternoon...and, hopefully, evening. She wondered if she could convince him to never get out of bed, or if they did, to switch to the sofa in the living room. Or the kitchen counter. Or the plunge pool.Ooh, yes.She wanted Zane everywhere.

But she couldn’t let her silly brain get so far ahead.Go with it. Enjoy him.

“Scoot back, darling.” Zane gestured for her to move, then set his knee on the bed. Even now, when they still hadn’t done the actual deed, she knew that this had been so worth the wait. All those years of pining were about to pay off. It made her heart swell, her lips tingle and her entire body reverberate.

She did as he asked and slid herself back until her head was on the pillow. Zane was now on both knees at her feet, dragging his fingers along the insides of her calves and down to the arches of her feet. Being totally naked and exposed to him like this was so exhilarating that the goose bumps came back. She liked being vulnerable with him. It made her realize exactly how much she trusted him. Not knowing what he would do next added another level of thrill. It would be so easy to chalk all of these feelings up to this being the first time, except that this was the first time with Zane, the one guy she’d always wanted.

He gripped her ankles with both hands and spread her legs wider. His eyelids were heavy, like he was drunk on appreciation for her body, and that was such a boost to her ego she could hardly wrap her head around it. She lapped up every nanosecond of the image. He leaned down and kissed the inside of her knee, then began to move his way up her thigh, in absolutely no rush, holding his lips against her skin for a heartbeat or two each time. She arched her back in anticipation of where he was going. She had not banked on him wanting to take on the oral exam, but she should’ve known all along that he would not only want to please her, but that he would know exactly how to do it.

She squirmed when his fingers grazed her center again and he urged her thighs apart with his forearms. She watched for a moment in awe as he used his mouth, but the pleasure became too much. She had to shut her eyes. Her head drifted back onto the pillow, and all she could do was express her appreciation with moans and single-syllable words likeyesandmore. She’d never imagined he had such an artistic side, but the man was playing her perfectly, with firm pressure from his lips and steady circles from his tongue. The tension had already been building when he drove a finger inside her and curled it against her most sensitive spot. Three or four passes and she felt the dam break, and warm contentment washed over her. She combed her fingers into his hair, massaging his scalp to show her appreciation.

“That was unbelievable,” she said, knowing that the words didn’t come close to telling him how she truly felt. She would need time to process what had just happened. For now, her brain was in frothy, happy disarray.

He raised his head and smiled with smug satisfaction, then kissed her upper thigh. “I enjoyed it, too.”

“Hopefully you’ll enjoy the next part even more. I need you, Zane. I need you inside me.”

He planted both hands on the bed and raised himself above her, dipping his head down and kissing her softly. She wrapped her legs around his hips, waiting for the moment when he would finally drive inside. He was hesitating, and she could sense it. She truly admired the thoughtful side of him that felt that hesitation, but she needed him to know that it was okay. They could do this together, and it would be nothing short of amazing.

“All these years I’ve known you and I had no idea what talents you were hiding,” she said. “You’ve been holding out on me, haven’t you?”

He laughed quietly, but it felt forced. He nuzzled her cheek with his nose. She lowered her legs a bit and stroked the back of his thighs with her ankles.Come on, Zane. Don’t let me down.

“I, uh...” His voice faltered.

“What is it?” She was careful to keep her voice warm and soothing. She did not want to witness another of his panics.

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t know what?”

“I’m so sorry. So incredibly sorry.” He turned away, avoiding eye contact. “I can’t do this.” Seeming defeated, he climbed off the bed and plucked his swim trunks from the floor.

Meanwhile, Allison was knee-deep in confusion. “Zane. What’s wrong? I thought we were good.”

“I thought we were, too. But I can’t do it. I can’t betray my best friend.”

Naked on the bed and reeling from the pleasure Zane had just given her, the rejection still landed on Allison like the proverbial ton of bricks. Zane, the man she’d dreamed of for years, had just told her no. Logic said she should be incredibly hurt. Devastated. But right now, with this beautiful man still standing in her bedroom with an obvious erection, she was nothing but flat-out mad. It didn’t have to be this way. And he knew it.

“Please don’t do this,” she said. “Don’t leave.”

“I have to. I’m sorry, but I do. I shouldn’t be here in the first place.”

His apology didn’t do much to quiet her anger. “You’re doing this. You’re seriously putting on the brakes.” She rolled onto her stomach, head and arms dangling off the side of the bed, and grabbed her sarong from the floor, where she’d tossed it earlier. Let him have a perfect view of her backside. Let him see what he was missing.