“Have faith, my dear. If anyone can find them, it’s Aiden and Meryn McKenzie,” a soft voice said from her right.

“Thank you. I trust them, of course. It’s just…”

“It is your mate,” the man said.


He looked down. “And who are these two little gentlemen?”

Zoe shook her head and dashed away her tears. “This is Ame and Yuki. Gage and I just recently adopted them.”

“Recently?” he asked.

She sniffled. “This morning.”

“Oh, dear. Sebastian!” he called out.

A tall squire walked over. “I was helping little Meryn.”

“Perhaps Zoe and her sons could use some of your Magic Pudding,” the kind man suggested.

Sebastian’s expression dawned his understanding. “Of course, I have already brought some up for Meryn. If you would follow me, I will escort you to where she has her… what does she call it… her command-central setup,” Sebastian said.

Feeling less lost, she smiled at the kind stranger that had seen her pain and reached out. “How can I thank you for your kindness?”

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and steered her toward where Meryn sat. “You take good care of your mate. He is a beloved son here in Noctem Falls. I know you feel scared and alone, but you have family here.” The man pointed to another set of individuals standing close to Aiden.

“Simon, Leana, Theo,” the man called out.

The group turned and bowed to the stranger. “Your Highness, did you need us for something?” Leana asked as they walked up.

“Simon and Leana Géroux, Theo Fabre, this is Zoe Appleblossom, Gage’s mate and his two sons, Ame and Yuki.”

“Your Highness?” she asked.

He winked at her. “I am Magnus Rioux, Prince of Noctem Falls.”

“Oh, dear,” she whispered.

“Sons?” Theo asked, looking down at Ame and Yuki. “These two boys are my grandsons?”

She nodded, unsure of how he and Tierla parted.

He smiled wide and bent down. “Hello, boys. I am very happy to meet you. I am Gage’s father.”

Yuki stared. “Did you hurt grandmother?”

Theo stood quickly and looked at Zoe. “What have they heard?”

“They might have overheard that their grandmother Tierla was able to leave you when she had a choice. That she had been part of an arranged mating.”

Theo’s expression looked conflicted.

Simon and Leana each scooped up one of the boys. “We are your father’s aunt and uncle.” Leana cuddled Yuki. “Oh Simon, are they not darling?”

When they went to walk away. Theo quickly began to answer Yuki. “I never intended to hurt your grandmother. Times were different then. I always tried to treat her with the utmost respect. My only regret is that we were not true mates. She is a very fine woman.”

Yuki smiled, then nodded before he reached for Theo.