Oron sat back against the stone wall. “I didn’t have a clear destination in mind, so I’m hoping it took us to one of the last locations I opened a portal to.” He looked around. “We’re not in that other warehouse, we’re surrounded by stone and caves, so I’m pretty sure we’re in Noctem Falls.”

Gage closed his eyes. He had grown up here and knew exactly how extensive the cave systems were. They could die down here, and they’d be lucky if their bodies were found in the next decade or so.

“How bad?” he asked.

Oron looked away. “If you don’t get treated soon, I don’t think you’ll make it.”

Priest went to whack Oron but couldn’t reach him. “Did you have to say it like that?”

Gage shook his head. “We’re past sugar coating.” He tried to clear his mind. “Oron, you’ll have to go get help.”

Oron pointed down to his legs. “Both mine are broken. I’m not going anywhere.”

Gage turned to Priest. “Can you shift?”

Priest shook his head, his face twisted in frustration. “I’ve been trying, but you know my bird…”

Gage nodded. “I know, brother, it’s okay.”

“It’s not! You might die because I’m a failure as a shifter,” he admitted bitterly.

“And Brennus spends more time at the palace than the warrior villa. Ari’s time is split in a dozen different directions, and Kincaid’s spells go sideways on him most of the time,” Oron listed.

Both he and Priest stared at him.

Oron continued. “So what if you have shifting issues? Gage has confidence issues…”

“I do not have confidence issues!” he argued.

Oron shook his head. “Today was the first time I have ever seen you take charge. Ever.” He gave a sad smile. “Like I was saying, despite all that, you five make up the highest-ranking unit in the city. I’m just a low-ranked fae from Lycaonia. I was counting on you two jokers to get me home,” he teased.

Gage chuckled, then winced. “Please, please don’t make me laugh.”

Priest looked around their small cave. “Do you think anyone heard us?”

“It was an explosion. I hope to all the gods they did,” Gage grunted.

Priest turned his way. “You said in some places in Noctem Falls, the stone between levels are like thirty feet thick.”

Gage nodded.

Priest squinted as if trying to make something out. “I don’t think we’re that far from the city proper.”

“Why would you think that?” Gage asked.

“I can see light, it’s pretty far out, but I see it. That, and Oron hasn’t been many places in Noctem Falls, right?”

Oron nodded.

“Then, even if the portal was off by a bit, wouldn’t that still put us close to the city center?” Priest explained.

“Priest, some days your brain belies that idiotic face you have,” Gage teased.

Priest shook his head. “I’ll get you back for that later. For now…” He grinned. “Do either of you know Morse Code?”


All of Noctem Fall’s units, plus the ones from Éire Danu, assembled in a large market area. Zoe watched as Aiden coordinated with a handsome vampire with a clipboard. There had been introductions, but she’d be lucky if she got half the names right later. She knew Serenity from Storm Keep and was relieved to know that she, along with Laelia and Radclyffe, were manning the hospital, ready to heal at a moment’s notice. She looked around at so many people, unable to do much.