“Excuse me?” Ari asked, looking confused.

Meryn took a sip of her coffee, then swallowed. “In most major cities, when you run outta ground space, you build vertically. Since y’all have trees and stuff, couldn’t you just make like a warrior treehouse city or something?”

Ari, Priest, Kincaid, and even Brennus looked around with eager expressions.

Brennus turned to his mate. “Is that something that can be done?”

The queen nodded. “Of course, I’ll even donate an oak sapling to act as a corner anchor if need be. The holly that Darian donated isn’t exactly the best for tree houses.”

Gage looked to the prince. “Could we build in a circular fashion around the holly? She has been good to us and should be included.”

Darian nodded slowly. “I think she’d like that.”

“I’ll schedule a meeting with Portia and Molvan to get the plans started for expansion,” the queen offered. “In the meantime, Gage, why don’t you show this young lady around? I think you’d both like some time together.”

Gage stood and assisted Zoe in rising. “Your Majesty, your wisdom is surpassed only by your beauty.”

The queen shook her head smiling. “As a mating present, please visit Baba’s and get fire-proof robes for Zoe. I have a standing account with her as she has proved to be one of the best merchants we have.”

Gage inclined his head. “Many thanks, Your Majesty.”

“I get a new dress?” Zoe asked.

“You get whatever you want,” he replied.

She looked him up and down. “Good.”

Gage felt his mouth drop.

Zoe curtsied. “Thank you for all your kindness, Your Majesty. I’ll report back my findings regarding the lights as soon as I can.”

The queen waved her hand, grinning openly. “I have every faith in you.”

Zoe let go of his hand and started toward the door. “Coming…?” She raised an eyebrow, then walked out.

“Gods above,” Gage managed to choke out the words.

Around the table, his unit brothers were laughing at his circumstances.

“Better get fire-proof sheets while you’re at it,” Meryn teased, then she added. “Maybe a fire extinguisher by the bed?”

“If you will excuse me,” Gage managed to say before he swiftly walked toward the door himself.

As usual, Meryn’s suggestion was a good one.


Zoe pressed her hands to her cheeks and could feel the heat. What had possessed her to do such a thing? And in front of the queen? Taking a deep breath, she straightened when she heard her mate walk up behind her. Smiling brightly, she held out her hand. “I’m all yours. Show me your city.”

His hand trembled slightly when he took hers before he gave it a quick squeeze. “Let us examine the lights first. That way, you can enjoy the evening without anything hanging over your head.”

“Sounds perfect.”

They walked leisurely, taking nearly the same streets she had seen when walking to the palace. With Gage at her side, he took slight detours to show her certain gardens or a shop that they’d visit later. The promise of more things to come excited her.

When they reached the center of Merchant Square, Gage walked her over to a tall street lamp shaped like a tree with hanging bulbs. It was unlike the others she had seen as they walked.

“This is gorgeous,” she breathed, looking at the craftsmanship. The fae had guided and nurtured the tree to grow around the crystals needed to power the lights.