“Absolutely!” Amelia said, nodding.

“We have to include our other brothers, Noah and Jaxon,” Pip reminded Meryn.

“The Mischievous Misfits,” Meryn said, pulling out her laptop. “I’m ordering tee-shirts.”

“Gods above help us all,” Aiden said, looking around the table.

“Do I get a flamethrower too?” Pip asked in a serious tone.

Meryn grinned and pointed in her direction. “We don’t need one anymore. We have Zoe now.”

Zoe couldn’t hold back her smile as she took another bite from the flaky fish-shaped meal Cord had made for her to try. For the first time in her life, with her mate at her side, she felt like she finally had a place where she belonged, and she wouldn’t let any council members or her own erratic magic take that away from her.

Chapter Five

Gage turned to his mate and smiled. He had a mate. This morning she was only a dream. Now she was at his side and everything he had ever wanted. Her chaotic innocence intrigued him since she held nothing back when it came to her emotions. She was fierce one moment and crying the next. He wondered if she knew how amazing that was.

“Darling, when did you want to leave to investigate the grid?” he asked. He was peripherally interested since it was affecting the city, but he mostly wanted to see what his mate could do. He was quickly becoming addicted to the stream of expressions that flitted across her face.

When she beamed up at him, he felt his heart stutter. Gods, she was beautiful!

“Anytime, really. I’m just as curious about the city as I am about the power grid,” she paused. “I haven’t been many places,” she admitted shyly.

He took her hand and brought it to his lips. Immediately, she began to blush. He could almost smell the blood in her cheeks. “Then I will ensure you see all of Éire Danu, wherever you wish to go, whatever you wish to do, I will make it happen,” he promised.

“I…I…I’m not sure. Maybe my first beer?” she stuttered.

He kept her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Of course, Dav’s is a wonderful place to visit. I think you’ll appreciate the more laid-back atmosphere.”

“Zoe, we had rooms prepared for you here, but seeing how you have met your mate, would you prefer to stay with him?” Brennus asked.

The queen slapped his shoulder. “She may want her own room whilst they get to know one another. She shouldn’t be rushed.”

Brennus looked down at his mate and raised an eyebrow. “I seem to remember a certain queen ordering my things to be taken to the royal quarters not an hour after my arrival.”

The queen flushed. “That’s different.”

Gage chuckled at the interaction. “Zoe may choose whichever place she wants. If she’d feel more comfortable here, I’ll just have to visit more often.”

Zoe frowned for a second before she shook her head. “I think we’ll get to know one another faster if I were to stay with you.”

Gage’s heart soared. “I’d like nothing more.”

“I’ll let Aeson know to organize the guys. We’ll have a welcome party later at the villa so she can meet everyone. We’re heading there next, so I can take her luggage if she’s okay with it.”Ari offered.

Brie turned to Zoe. “Ari and I stay there throughout the week, so you won’t be the only female there.”

Zoe smiled at Ari. “I’d really appreciate you taking my suitcase to the villa.” She then turned to Brie. “It makes sense that you live there since you’re a warrior too. Do you think the men will mind if I suddenly move in?”

Gage could tell that Brie was flattered to be considered a warrior.

Ari chuckled as he wrapped an arm around his mate. “I think the guys will absolutely adore you.”

Gage looked over to his unit leader. “Ari, if we’re all getting mates, won’t the villa become too small? Is there a way to build on?”

Ari’s easy-going smile turned into a frown. “You’re right. Unlike other pillar cities, we all live together. We need more space, but I love where we’re located. We’re central to just about everything.”

“Go up,” Meryn suggested before taking a bite of her scone.