Gage rubbed her back. “It will be okay,” he reassured her. “What would you like to do next?”

“I really want to get out into the city and examine the lights.”

“Zoe, please don’t take this the wrong way, but do you really think you can help?” Kendrick asked.

She fought the urge to roll her eyes. “Oh Kendrick, that’s so funny! It’s just a little light, silly.” She giggled inanely to add to the ridiculousness of his question.

Kendrick flushed while Anne, at his side, laughed. “You deserved that,” she said, tossing a scone at him.

Thane rubbed the back of his neck. “I understand what he means. He, along with my brothers and I, have examined the lamps thoroughly and haven’t been able to see anything wrong.”

Zoe just looked from one man to the other. “Why would you think you’d know one way or another if it was working properly?”

Both men looked stumped.

Meryn snickered. “Because they are older, strong males, why wouldn’t they?”

Kendrick raised an eyebrow. “We have had more time to learn about magic,” he added dryly.

“Do you know the design of the power grid that was created and installed here in the city by the Appleblossoms?” Zoe asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

Kendrick’s eyes widened. “The what?”

Zoe sighed. “There is a reason why Appleblossoms always lead the Fire Temple. We only teach those within our family trade secrets.”

Thane scowled. “If it’s only a matter of learning the way fire magic was used…”

She cut him off. “Do you have a degree in engineering?”

He swallowed. “No, but I take it you do?”

She did roll her eyes this time. “I wasn’t allowed to leave the house, all I could do was study. Yes, I have a degree in engineering and electrical engineering. I have written entire journals on blending human technology and fire magic to create sustainable power sources, amongst other things. Even with my magic as unstable as it is, I could run circles around both of you when it comes to fire tech.”

“Boom! Mic drop!" Meryn exclaimed, laughing. “She told y’all.”

Zoe shrugged, smiling. “I don’t know, Thane, but Kendrick has to be reminded he doesn’t know everything every once in a while.”

“Brat,” Kendrick said, smiling softly.

When she looked at him, she was surprised to see the pride in his eyes. “I can really do this,” she said, meeting his eyes.

“Forgive me, Zoe, I never meant to belittle you. When I look at you, all I see is the tiny girl running around behind Nigel and Neil, getting into mischief and nagging me for food.”

Now it was her turn to blush. “Your house always felt safe,” she said by way of explanation.

“You always grumbled and complained, but you never turned us away,” Nigel added.

“So, you didn’t turn people into animals like Serenity said?” Meryn asked.

Neil laughed out loud. “Oh, no. He did. But it was usually a self-serving jerk looking for an easy handout. Kendrick never helped anyone that wasn’t willing to put in the work.”

Anne stared up at her mate. “You were the neighborhood mom?”

“What? No!” Kendrick sputtered.

Nigel and Neil looked to her, and they all nodded. Zoe spoke first. “Why does that feel right?”

“Why, mom? Why not neighborhood dad?” Kendrick asked his mate.