Ryuu nodded. “Of course. Those that are available did not receive an offer from their birth clan.”

Zoe shrugged. “Sounds about right to me.”

Kendrick turned to face her. “How so?”

Zoe looked around the room, confused. “Isn’t that how the Magical Academy assigns out witches? They are given a test score, and then they see who is willing to pay the most for the contract.” She felt her stomach begin to churn as each person regarding her looked horrified. “That’s normal, right?”

Thane spoke first. “I never questioned it until she described it aligning so much with Japan’s system,” he said quietly. “I always believed the auctions were barbaric, but we hardly do any better.”

Portia lifted her pen. “So, I take it that the offer should compensate the clan heavily to be favored?”

Ryuu held up a finger. “Exactly.”

Portia turned to the queen. “We could easily offer a portal. Only the fae can create them, so it isn’t something they have ever had access to.”

The queen nodded slowly. “If they will allow the normal stipulations of having it maintained by our people, I would allow it.” She tapped her finger on the table absently. “It would cost us nothing but could elevate the status of the clan we offer to.”

Ryuu smiled. “That is the mindset needed when dealing with the clans.”

Meryn scowled up at Ryuu. “Were you auctioned off?”

His expression softened when he looked down at her. “No, Meryn, I wasn’t. I am a squire. The person that we will be offering for is not.”

Meryn frowned. “What are they then?”

“An attendant, or type of servant,” Ryuu explained.

“They don’t cook or take care of the house?” Meryn asked.

He shook his head. “No, they answer only to their master or mistress. If the one they serve gets hungry, they go to the cook and arrange for a meal. Their sole responsibilities are centered around their master.”

Meryn’s eyes narrowed. “And you just so happen to know of someone that is finishing their training?”

Ryuu winked at his charge. “Like Kendrick, I have kept tabs on a few youngsters as they grew. The ones I have in mind are unfortunately predicted to serve my old house.”

Meryn growled. “That douchebag that tried to hurt you?”

He nodded. “I would prefer that they do not go to that family.”

Zoe looked from Kendrick to Ryuu, then to Meryn. “If he has been looking out for them, then we have to help.”

Though she hadn’t been very close to Kendrick growing up, she knew that he had helped her on many occasions when she was young. If the ones that needed help were now alone because Ryuu was here, she could understand how lonely that could be.

“If you wished to help them, you, of course, would have our support, but I have to ask. Will they truly be able to help?” the queen asked.

Ryuu placed a hand over his heart. “Despite my worry, I would not have suggested them otherwise. I believe the saying is ‘two birds, one stone’.”

Portia tucked her quill into her scroll. “Ryuu, who should I contact?”

“The home of Akihiko Fujiwara. His squire is Goro Sato.”

She gave a curt nod. “I will reach out to them immediately. Should I mention you or no?”

Ryuu nodded. “I believe knowing that I am involved will help.” He grinned wickedly. “The head of the Fujiwara clan isn’t on the best of terms with my old family, and due to that, relations with the Tiara clan, to whom they serve, have been strained.”

“I will see it done.” Portia dipped into a small curtsey and left to get started.

Zoe sat back, feeling exhausted. She had only left Storm Keep a couple hours ago, yet so much had changed.