Kendrick growled, shocking Zoe. “You too?”

Ryuu gave a half-shrug. “These opportunities are so few and far between, let us enjoy them when they do arise.”

The queen chuckled. “He’s right, Kendrick, let us enjoy this for the time being. You can go back to being amazing later.”

“Yeah, it’s really too bad we don’t have a king,” Thane added, heaving a great sigh. “If we had, then that person would have more than enough clout to handle this situation and take care of a daughter of Storm Keep.”

Kendrick raised his hand, and a moment later, Thane shouted and began thrashing around, trying to put out the flames climbing his pant legs. “See, Zoe, even when you do it on purpose, there’s little harm done.”

“Little harm done! That had almost reached my…” Thane shut his mouth and blushed.

“Reached what?” Anne asked innocently.

“Never you mind,” he replied, trying to adjust his clothing.

“I’m impressed, the scorch marks barely hit your knees,” Meryn said before giving a whistle. “This will definitely change your ranking.”

Thane stopped his movements and looked over to Meryn, smiling. “Really?”

“Oh, yeah.”

Aiden growled before he nipped her shoulder. “I thought I told you to delete that database.”

Meryn nodded. “You did.”

“So, why are you still ranking warriors?”

She frowned up at her mate. “Was I supposed to listen to you?”

Zoe watched the entire scene enthralled. She had never seen this many people tease one another and share open affection before. “You all are a beautiful family,” she said, feeling a bit jealous.

Meryn immediately turned to her before breaking out into a huge smile. “We are, aren’t we?” She pointed in her direction. “You’re part of this craziness now. You’re Aiden’s godsdaughter, so that makes you family too.”

The queen clapped her hands. “You’re right, Meryn. I can also assist based on familial ties. She is my son’s godsdaughter” She turned to Ryuu. “Would that help?”

Ryuu nodded. “Zoe’s direct ties to the throne will help immensely.”

“Why are ties to the throne important?” Zoe asked, feeling nervous.

Kendrick sighed. “Because in Japan, those with any magic are aligned with those in power. They maintain a more elitist way of life than we do.”

Ryuu exhaled, looking sad. “Kendrick is correct. The individual I’m thinking of belongs to one of the four main royal houses, the Fujiwara clan. They would not accept a request from just anyone.”

The queen looked to the fae woman that had escorted her to the room. “Portia, can you get the contact information from Ryuu and let them know we are interested in hiring one of their people.”

Before Portia could nod, Ryuu stepped forward, grimacing. “I may have to explain things a bit further before we proceed.” He looked over to Zoe. “The person I have in mind just finished their training, so their accomplishments and skills will be marketed to the other three clans and, of course, to any outside interest, of which there are usually none,” he added. He quieted and frowned to himself as if debating on how to continue.

Kendrick picked up his glass and swirled the liquid. “They are, for lack of a better term, auctioned off.”

The queen’s expression wasn’t the only one that turned frosty. “Explain.” Was the single word command.

Ryuu inclined his head and continued. “Two to three auctions take place per year as candidates finish training. What they can do is listed, and anyone interested can approach the clan and make an offer. The best offer for the clan and the individual is accepted.”

“Why would the clan receive anything? Are they slaves to be bought and sold?” Anne demanded.

Ryuu shook his head. “No, they aren’t slaves. The reason why the clan receives payment or goods in exchange is to compensate them for the loss of their clan member.”

“Wouldn’t they want to keep the good ones?” Zoe asked.