Meryn shrugged. “And Ryuu would put it out, and one of the witches would heal me, no worries.”

Zoe blinked and looked around the table, and everyone was nodding. “It’s that simple?”

Meryn picked up her coffee cup. “Well, yeah. You’re a fire witch, so wouldn’t the easiest solution be to have a water witch with you while you’re learning?” She pointed back to Ryuu. “That’s why I said he’d put out the fire, he can use water.” She frowned. “Coming from Storm Keep, I thought for sure you’d have like a water witch squire or something by now.”

“Meryn, I know you hear it often, but you’re a genius,” Kendrick said, admiration in his voice.

Zoe collapsed back in her chair. Meryn was right, it was a simple solution, but none of the older witches had thought of it. Meryn’s earlier comment about her becoming a weapon didn’t seem that far-fetched anymore. “I don’t understand why they did the things they did. What would they have to gain?” she questioned, shaking her head.

Gage wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to his body. “And we probably won’t until we go to Storm Keep to pummel those involved.”

Zoe looked up at her mate. His handsome face looked grim as he clenched his jaw, thinking about her plight. She reached up and touched his cheek.

Looking down, he smiled, and her heart was lost. Every ounce of emotion was there in his eyes. From the depth of affection she could see, he wasn’t fighting the mating pull at all. “Thank you.”

He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “It is my pleasure to ensure your happiness.” He looked back up and over to Kendrick. “Any suggestions for a squire?”

Zoe couldn’t help the thrill of excitement. If she had a squire at her side who could use water, she’d be able to go anywhere. She wouldn’t have to worry about hurting anyone.

Kendrick sat back, rubbing his chin. “The only ones I’d trust aren’t squires and are unfortunately too busy to act as one.”

Behind Meryn, Ryuu brought up his fist to his mouth and coughed. “I may have a suggestion.”

Kendrick looked intrigued. “You know of a squire who can use water magic? Have I met them?”

Ryuu shook his head. “They aren’t a squire and are currently in service with another family, but…” he hesitated, turning to the queen. “I believe if the request came from the fae queen, compensation could be arranged.”

The queen smiled. “If this person has your recommendation, they are more than welcome here.”

“Compensation? I don’t have access to my family’s accounts,” Zoe clutched at her chest.

The queen smiled at her gently. “You are here to serve my city and help my people. It would be remiss of me to deny you something that would help you.” She looked over to Gage. “You are also mated to one of my city’s warriors, who has served faithfully for centuries. For that alone, I would lend my assistance.”

And in that moment, Zoe saw the difference between a ruler who cared for her people and a council of selfish individuals.

Kendrick humphed. “I can assist too.”

Zoe turned to him. “I know you care, but it’s not like you’re a leader in Storm Keep. I wouldn’t put this burden on you since you don’t share in the responsibility. The queen seems to have the clout and resources needed that you simply don’t.” She turned to the queen. “Queen Aleksandra, I thank you for your kindness and swear to do everything in my power to ensure that your city returns to its full glory.”

Kendrick’s mouth dropped, and around the table, muffled laughter was heard from nearly everyone. “I….I…,” he stuttered.

The queen reached over to pat his hand. “Be at ease. There is no shame in not having the clout or resources one would acquire from being born into a royal family and living for thousands upon thousands of years,” she said, her mouth twitching horribly.

Zoe nodded. “She’s right. I know you mean well, but I wouldn’t take from you, Kendrick. Many here may not know the significance of living in the Lower City, but I do. You keep your money for you and Keelan.” When she looked over, she saw that Kendrick was now an unhealthy shade of red. “Are you okay?”

Across from here, Meryn was laughing so hard, she was beginning to slide under the table. Her squire, holding her up by the armpits was the only thing preventing her from disappearing from sight. “He’s just a poor boy, from a poor family…” she sang, between fits of laughter.

“Dammit, Meryn! I had just gotten that other song out of my head. That one is a thousand times worse,” Pierce complained.

Zoe looked up at Gage, who was also laughing. “What?”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “Nothing, my darling. I have a feeling Kendrick was due this.”

She shrugged. “He’s a bit grouchy, but he cares.”

Aiden, shaking his head, turned to the queen. “Alpha will also help to defray the cost. We are, collectively, herathair, after all.”

Ryuu made sure Meryn was securely in her chair before straightening. “As Storm Keep is currently without a king or queen, Queen Aleksandra as Zoe’s current employer would be the only way to make such a request,” he shared, looking over to Kendrick. “We all know you would help if you could.”