I’m lying in bed next to Josh. He’s on his back with one hand under his head and the other around me. I have my head on his chest listening to him snoring lightly.
“JOSH!” Damien’s voice bellows through the house. Josh jumps up out of bed and is out of the door in a second. I quickly get up, put on my dressing gown and follow him out on to the landing. I find him in Damien and Bella’s room.
“I’ll get the car, meet you down there.” Josh says as he kisses me on the head and runs down the stairs. Bella’s is sat on the bed being sick in a bowl.
“Hey Bella, what’s going on? Are you ok?” I sit next to her and rub her back while Damien starts throwing stuff in a suitcase.
“She’s been being sick for half an hour now, she has pains in her stomach which aren’t going away. I rang the hospital and they said to bring her in right away.”
“Damien, calm down what are you doing?” Bella questions as he rummages through their wardrobes.
“I’m trying to find the baby’s things, and what do you need?!”
“Damien, Bella’s hospital bag and the baby’s bag have been packed for weeks. They are in the nursery ready to go, just sit down a sec and take a breath. Now Bella, tell me, how do you feel?”
“I just feel sick, and I have this pain in my stomach, but it could just be the fact that I’m heaving so much. It doesn’t feel like a contraction. It’s probably just something I have eaten.”
“It could be, you are 3 weeks early, but as baby is breach, it’s best to get you checked out. Ok I’ll grab some plastic bags and some wipes in case you’re sick on the way and I’ll get your bags from the nursery. Damien, you help Bella down to the car, I’ll meet you there.”
When we get to the hospital the doctors are waiting for us. Damien carries Bella in and puts her on the bed. His protective alpha male coming out in full force. Bella is hooked up to different machines making beep noises and coloured tapes are put around her stomach. The doctor examines Bella and confirms the baby is still breach.
“I think it is safest for mother and baby to deliver now. Please don’t panic, but in a moment I will sound an alarm and a number of my medical team will enter the room. We will be doing an emergency section. Protocol states we need to have baby here within 20 minutes of the alarm. Only Dad can be in the operating theatre, but you both can wait in the family room.” The doctor nods to myself and Josh as she presses a red button on the wall. Bright lights fill the room, and an extremely high pitch alarm fills our ears. Doctors and nurses wearing scrubs burst into the room and surround Bella. Don’t panic she said, Ha, no chance of that. I look at Damien as Josh and I leave the room. He looks white as a sheep and completely overwhelmed. I make a silent prayer for them to be ok.
Josh gets us a coffee and we sit on the leather sofa in the family room.
We then hear loud footsteps in the hall outside the door. We both go to investigate. Its Damien in full scrubs wandering up and down with his hands on his head.
“Damien what’s going on?” Josh grabs his arms.
“They told me to get these scrubs on and then go to the operating theatre, but I don’t know where it is?” Josh holds his shoulders and guides him down the hall to doors which have a sign above saying ‘Operating theatre’ he knocks on and the double doors open immediately.
This is it, this is where I am going to lose my baby. I am so scared. Not for me, I really don’t care what happens to me anymore, it’s all about my child. When that alarm sounded, and all those doctors and nurses entered the room I knew things weren’t right. I just hope my baby is strong and these doctors can work a miracle, because that’s what my baby deserves.
I sit as still as I can while the epidural is inserted into my back. Once it’s in I lie on the bed and a sheet is hung at my waist so I can’t see what is happening down there. There’s a nice nurse at the side of me explaining what is going on, reassuring me everything is fine, but I don’t really believe him. An oxygen mask is placed over my face, I start to panic, the nurse sees this and asks me if I’m ok.
“I’m scared I’m going to be sick again.” Oh god what would happen then, if I was sick while my stomach was cut open?
“Don’t worry we have given you an anti-sickness drug, so you won’t be.” Ok that makes me feel a bit better. Then I realise Damien still isn’t here. But as I look up, he walks through the door in full scrubs with a ‘dear caught in the headlights’ look on his face. He sits at the side of my head and takes my hand. It is shaking uncontrollably.
“Is she ok? Why is she shaking?” Damien demands to the nurse at the side of me.
“It’s a mixture of the drugs and her adrenaline. Perfectly normal.”
“Ready?!” The doctor at the end of my bed asks the room. I can’t see her, but I know she’s there, along with a number of other people.
“They’re going to begin now.” I nod to the kind nurse.
“Argh!” I scream in pain. Damien stands in fury.
“Could you feel that?” The nurse asks concerned. I nod.
“It’s ok, sometimes the epidural takes a little longer to work. Here, have some gas and air. We will try again in 2 minutes. Just to make you aware though, if you can still feel it after the 2 minutes we will have to put you to sleep, and then your husband won’t be able to be here for the birth.”
I can’t take that away from him, plus I need to be awake to make sure my baby is ok.
The nurse signals to me that the 2 minutes is over, I brace myself for the pain. I feel the knife enter my skin, the tissue and muscle’s part. It’s not as intense as before. I can handle it. I smile at the nurse to say I am fine, although I am not sure he believes me. The longer it goes on the less I feel. I feel movement in my stomach but not pain. I watch the clock as the doctor said the baby needed to be born in 20 minutes. We came in the theatre at 2:00am its now 2:20. Damien is still holding my hand and staring at me intently. I can’t look at him. He’s making my worry more. At 2:22 there’s a commotion and I hear the doctor say