“She’s here, it’s a little girl.” She’s held up over the sheet for a second and then whisked away. I look at Damien and we both smile and sob in relief.

That relief and smile soon disappears from our face when we realise we haven’t heard a cry. You know that when a baby is born the first thing they do is cry, unless there is something wrong.

Damien kisses my hand and then stands to see where our girl has gone.

“She’s ok, sir, they’re just helping her clear her airways and giving her a little oxygen, perfectly normal in c section deliveries. Damien sits and nods, taking my hand again. After what feels like hours, we finally hear the noise we have been waiting for. My heart grows.

“Dad, would you like to come and cut the cord?”

Damien beams and stands, still holding my hand, reluctant to leave me.

“You go, look after our girl.”

Feeling a little more relaxed now I lie and listen to Damien talk to our little girl. It’s the most amazing sound I have ever heard in my life. He speaks softly, telling her how beautiful she is, how much he already loves her, and how he will protect her always. He’s going to be a wonderful father, he already is. She’s a lucky girl.

“Let’s go and see your mummy.”

Damien returns to the side of me with our little girl wrapped in a fluffy white towel. She’s crying, but when I start to speak, she stops and opens her eyes a little.

“She recognises her mummy’s voice.” Damien puts her beside my head so I can kiss her. She smells incredible. She smells like my baby, a smell I have never smelt before but that I instantly recognise asmybaby’s smell.

“Does she have a name?”

“Daisy.” We both say together.

When Damien proposed, which was also the time I told Damien I was pregnant, we were in a field of Daisies. We spent hours in that field making daisy chains and planning our future together. It’s one of my most treasured memories of us together. We get settled in the recovery room, Daisy is on my chest fast asleep, I can’t take my eyes off her. Damien can’t take his eyes off the both of us, that is until Chloe and Josh burst through the door.

“Aaahh my baby niece, let me see, let me see.” Chloe dives over to us pushing Damien out of the way so she can get closer.

“Daisy, meet your Aunty Chloe and Uncle Josh.”

“She’s just like you Bella.”

“Congratulations mate.” Damien and Josh hug in their usual manly way where they slap each others back. That is until Damien surprisingly grabs and holds Josh, squeezing him tight. I smile at the sight. Chloe sees it too and looks at me with tears in her eyes.

We are family and we are so lucky to have each other.

Chapter 22

6 Months later


I am sat on a sun lounger by the pool in Sorrento, Italy. We are here for the wedding of Damien and Bella. They are of course already married. But nobody other than Chloe and I know that. Bella always wanted a big wedding, and Damien wants Bella to have want she has dreamed of. Damien is actually half Italian on his dad’s side. He has family over here, aunts, uncles and so on. Seeing as Damien’s parents aren’t able be here in body, Bella thought being in Italy, the place where his parents met and married would compensate a little for that. I think she made a very good choice. It is a beautiful place. Today is the wedding day. It is actually Damien and Bella’s first anniversary. They planned it that way so that they would always be able to celebrate their anniversary on its original day. I am sat in the shade watching Clo chatting away to Bella’s family. She’s such a magnet. So friendly and kind, her personality is infectious, people just want to be around her.

I spot two guys at the bar talking about her while making provocative faces towards her. Not that she notices. I stand by my sunbed preparing to go over there if Chloe needs me. Jealousy runs through me. I try to think of an excuse to get her back in our room and have her all to myself. A waiter carrying a silver tray approaches me.

“You like anything to drink signore?” I ignore him not taking my eyes off Chloe and the two morons at the bar. “Ahh, I see, she’s a very beautiful lady.” Following my line of sight, he too begins to stare at Chloe. “Very nice…. How you say?.... Boobies?” I turn and stare at the teenage looking waiter. Is Italy full of imbeciles? My face is angry, and I see the terror appear on his face when I look at him. He steps back away from me, so I take a step towards him. He takes another step back but cannot go any further as his heel rests on the edge of the pool. I close the gap between us.

“For your information, no, we do not say ‘boobies’ unless you are 5 years old, and that beautiful lady over there, is mine.” I give him a shove to the shoulder.

He falls backwards into the pool. The splash and wail from the waiter as he enters the pool draws everyone’s attention to us. At first people almost go to help him, but after seeing me walking away from the scene people continue with whatever they are doing. The waiter soon gets pulled out by his manager who shouts something in Italian at him.

“Did you just push that poor boy in the pool?” Chloe glares at me with her hands on her hips.

“Me? Nooooo, he just tripped and fell in.”

“Ha, yeah, why don’t I believe you.”