“And we have strict instructions not to let you in!”
“Excuse me I am Bella White, I can take that?”
“No Miss, we cannot let you take this parcel.”
“Why not? It is addressed to me.”
“We have been told under no circumstances does any parcel addressed to you enter this hotel without it being checked first.”
“Is that so, and who told you this?” I say with my hands on my hips, as if I need to ask.
“ME!” growls Damien from behind me. I turn to see my husband looking furiously at the security guards. They obviously said too much. Sheepishly they return to their post and escort the delivery guy out of sight of the hotel.
“Damien? What is going on? Why are all my deliveries to be checked before I receive them?”
“It’s just a precaution, all staff are to have their delivery’s and post checked, its policy for everyone.”
“Well, it didn’t sound that way to me, it sounded as if this treatment was just for me. So can I have my parcel then?”
“No. Were you not listening to me? It needs to be checked first.” Damien snatches the parcel from the security guard and storms off into the hotel. I’m fuming. How dare he speak to me like that. I run back to Tiffany who has been watching the whole incident from her desk.
“Hey don’t get upset. You’ll upset the baby. He’s probably just having a bad day.” There’s something he’s not telling me, I am sure of it.
“Hey how about you, me and Katie go out for drinks, well food for you, drinks for us? How about it? A girl’s night. I finish in half an hour.”
“Great yes, I’ll ring Katie, she should be finished with her last client now.”
Furious is an understatement. I cannot believe the imbeciles on the hotel doors. Why did they think it was appropriate to tell my Bella her parcels needed to be checked? Have they too few brain cells to make something up, or to say nothing at all?! I slam my office door shut and rip open the parcel. Inside there is a vacuumed packed clear plastic bag containing what looks like some form of animal guts. It’s full of blood, it’s revolting. I throw it back in the box and call Mike to come in.
I ask Mike to get rid of it and think of an alternative gift we can get to give Bella in replacement. I get on the phone and give my team a kick up the arse. Jobs and restrictions are not to be discussed with anyone other than King staff and this moron who has a death wish sending my Bella crazy sh*t had better be caught ASAP. I pay them enough.
Once I have calmed down, I ring Bella. She doesn’t answer. I ring her again, still doesn’t answer. I ring Frank, and he answers on the first ring.
“Are you with Bella?”
“I am. Bella, Tiffany, and Katie are having dinner at Lucia, the Italian restaurant on the next road down. I drove them here and I am sat meters away at the bar, I have my eyes on them and the doors.”
“Good. Stay put I will be along shortly.” Bella’s obviously annoyed with me. I was a little harsh when I spoke to her. I will apologise. I am starting to lose my head again. I detest not being in control of a situation.
I arrive at the restaurant and join Frank at the bar. Bella looks like she is having a good time. Her and Katie are laughing at something Tiffany is saying. It is nice to see her so relaxed.
I have spoken to Josh today. He and Chloe have settled in well. Chloe seems to be keeping him on his toes. Thankfully we have made some progress on Chloe’s case. We have a name for the gunman. His name is Cain Graves, none other than the estranged son of Mr Graves. The very Mr Graves whom we have been working with. This was my meeting today. Mr Graves had requested an urgent meeting with me. Cain Graves originally worked for his father until he went rogue. Cain hadn’t had the same values as his father. Don’t get me wrong, Mr Graves is no saint, but if someone had paid their debt, their business with them would be done. Cain would kill the person anyway. This is where Graves ‘Company’ began to get an extremely bad reputation. It then resulted in gag wars. Graves lost many friends and family members due to this, hence why he asked for our company’s help. It is only a matter of time now until we track him down. Graves explained Cain is extremely good at keeping under the radar. Cain has exceptional skills in IT and is very intelligent. He does however have a bad temper which leads him to make mistakes. Hopefully, he will make one soon, and when he does, we will be waiting.
Three men make their way over to the girl’s table. I stiffen in my seat. I see Frack in the corner of my eye turn to look at me. He is obviously waiting for my reaction. I try and keep calm as there’s nothing wrong with a friendly bit of chit chat. The other girls are single, and I do not want to upset Bella anymore today by making her uncomfortable. I will just sit here with my drink and observe. I watch them like a hawk. One of them in particular cannot take his eyes of my Bella. My hands tighten into fist. There’s a chuckle sound from the side of me. I turn to see Frank hiding a smirk behind his glass of coke.
“Something funny Frank?!”
“No Boss.” He straightens in his chair and his serious face returns.
One of the men has the girls in hysterics. I don’t like them. They all look like they’re on a set of The Only Way is Essex. With their fake tan and turkey teeth. One of them is actually pouting. The three of them disperse around the table. Each one stands beside one of the girls, hooking an arm around the back of their chair. The guy next to Bella bends to say something in her ear. His hand brushes her bare shoulder as he does. That’s it. I have seen enough. I am stood beside them in a heartbeat.
“What’s up Mate?” why do imbeciles insist on calling people they just meet ‘Mate’ I am far from your mate, boy.
I stare at him for a second before I speak. My voice comes out in a deep growl as I try to control my anger.
“Nobody touches what is mine.”