“Damien?” Bella breathes quietly asking me to calm down. But I cannot. I see red. I see how he is looking at my Bella and I lose it.
“Remove your hand from her chair. If you touch her again, I will crush your fingers so intensely you will never be able to touch anything ever again!” the guy is looking at me with furrowed brows deciding his next move.
“Let’s go Damien.” Bella says as she stands and gathers her purse and phone. I am frozen to the spot for a minute staring down the boy who thinks he can touch my wife and get away with it. Frank taps me on the shoulder pulling me out of my trance. I follow him and Bella out of the restaurant, we get into the car in silence.
Nobody says a word on the way back to Kingston Manor. I start to calm down and feel ashamed of my actions today. What must Bella think of me? I despise the fact I have upset her. She would understand if I could tell her the truth. That there is some psychopath out there sending her horrifying packages and that the said psycho could very well have been that guy. Maybe I should tell her the truth. No, then her anxiety would escalate and could affect the baby. Although at least then I could keep her at home, safe.
These packets aren’t just to scare Bella, they are a warning, a sign of what is to come. And I will be ready.
I’ll never lose her again.
My heart is breaking a little. I am so confused as to why Damien is acting like this. Is the pressure of becoming a father getting to him? Have I done something wrong to make him not trust me? Damien follows me into the kitchen. I get a bottle of water out of the fridge and when I turn, he is stood behind me.
“Look at me Bella.” I do.
“Forgive me for losing my temper. I am stressed and when I saw you being touched by another, I lost my head.”
“He was hardly touching me Damien. His hand brushed my shoulder. I told him I wasn’t interested. Why can you not trust me?”
“I do trust you, its everyone else I do not trust.” Damien wraps his arms around me and kisses my head. “I’m sorry, I love you so much.” I am too tired to continue speaking about it.
“I love you too. I’m tired. I’m going to bed.”
I get into bed and lie worrying about Damien. We need to make an appointment soon with our counsellor Dr. McGrain. Damien has always had a temper, but never towards me. He still blames himself for what happened to me, he is so scared of anything happening again, he gets extremely over protective. But that’s all in the past. He needs to realise I am safe now. Me and the baby are going to be fine.
I make a mental note to book an appointment in the morning and I fall asleep.
The week passes quickly. It is really busy at work and when I’m not at the salon, I am sleeping. Thursday cannot come soon enough, my day off. A lie in and pregnancy yoga class is just what I need.
My new yoga outfit has arrived, I have mentally prepared for conversations after the class. Damien has agreed that Frank will wait in the car, on one condition, additional security was to be put up in the church hall. Damien has done this at his own expense of course. The hall now has a high tech security camera and entrance system where a security code or card is needed to enter the building. A little over the top in my opinion. Anyhow, he’s happy and so am I.
I find myself a mat and wait for the class to start. A few of the girls make light conversation with me and I feel a lot more relaxed.
“Girls, today we have another new member, please welcome Anna.” Anna is looking around trying to find somewhere to sit, there’s a spare mat next to me so I give her a wave and point beside me. She smiles gratefully and comes over.
“Thank you for that.”
“My pleasure. I was new last week so I know how you feel. I’m Bella by the way.”
“Nice to meet you Bella, I’m Anna.”
I really enjoy the class again, we do some new poses and stretches, one in particular gives me the giggles ‘The Angry Cat’ this position is supposed to help with back pain. It also seems to release wind for some ladies too. Unfortunately for Anna, the lady in front of her did just that.
After the class we all go into the café and get a coffee. Anna comes too and sits next to me.
“I really enjoyed that, I think I will come again next week.”
“Yes, me too. I always feel really good afterwards. It’s just what I needed after the week I have had.” Anna smiles and nods.
“I understand.”
We sit for about an hour getting to know each other. Anna just moved here with her husband, but he works away a lot, so she has a lot of time on her own.
“We can meet up outside of yoga if you like, I can show you around?”
“That would be brilliant thank you.” We swap numbers and arrange to meet on Monday.