“What’s wrong Bella?”

“I am just thinking of Chloe, I hope she will be ok.”

“She will. Josh and I will make sure of it.”

Just then Damien’s phone rings. He answers and I know it is serious.

“We need to leave.”

Chapter 12


Bella and I stand at the front door waiting for Josh and Chloe’s arrival. The gunman from the youth centre had found Chloe, thank fully Josh rescued her.

The last few day’s events are unbelievable. Chloe’s life is in danger. We need to catch this bast**d. He is putting my fiancé and unborn child in danger as well as Chloe and I will not stand for it. The worry alone is harming enough, especially for Bella as she suffers greatly from anxiety.

When they arrive, I take Josh to see the medical team while Bella comforts Chloe.

“Ten of the guys are now on a warning for their foolish actions which did not help today’s events. Gatherings with more than four members of staff at one time outside of work is now forbidden. I have HR adding it to their contracts. I am sorry I wasn’t around Josh. How are you?”

“It’s been a day of unavoidable situations. It is no one’s fault.” I hear the words spoken by Josh’s mouth, but I can tell by his face, he doesn’t believe them. He is blaming himself.

“Quite right, it is no one’s fault other than that crazy excuse for a man. What else have we got to go on? The police must have something?” I am usually more on the ball with incidents like this, but with everything that has gone on with Bella and the baby, my mind has been elsewhere.

“The police are coming here shortly to speak to us. We will find out then.”

“I have a team with his description and all the information we know out there looking for him. They will be out 24/7 until he is caught. Dead or alive I have left the decision with them.”

Josh nods, wincing with pain as the medics clean up his gunshot wound.

“She’s not safe here Josh. You need to go into hiding. Just until he’s caught.”

“I’ve been thinking the same.”

“Have you any idea where you could go?”

“Yeah. I do actually.”

“Great. You must leave tonight. The girls won’t be happy, but it’s for the best.”

Once we have seen Josh and Chloe on their way, I take Bella up to bed. She is exhausted and very emotional.

“What am I going to do without her Damien? I have never gone a day without speaking to Chloe.”

“They’ll be back before you know it.” Bella lays her head on my chest and has a little sob.

“At least I’m at the salon tomorrow. Katie will be there, and I’m fully booked, from what I can remember. That will take my mind off it.” I was hoping Bella would give up work now she is pregnant. Financially there is absolutely no need for Bella to ever work again, but I know hairdressing is more of her hobby. Although I would love to insist Bella starts her maternity leave immediately, I know that wouldn’t be fair. Plus I think it may be a welcome distraction for a while, now Chloe has gone away. I will, of course, be working from my office at the salon.

“Good morning guys, how are you all?” I greet the team in the salon before I go to my office. Bella seems a lot happier and more relaxed now she is here.

“Let me know if you need anything Bella, I’ll just be in my office.” I kiss Bella on the head and settle at my desk. I have a lot to catch up on.

I’m busy on the phone when Mike the salon security guard enters. He stands at my desk waiting for me to finish. It must be important, so I swiftly close the conversation and end the call.

“Yes Mike, what can I do for you?”

“We have a problem boss. This has just been delivered to Bella.” Mike hands me a card box addressed to my Bella. I open it to find a pair of eyes staring back at me. A pair of blood soaked animal eyes. I throw the box on my desk.