“F**K!!” He’s right. We do have a problem.

“It’s starting again boss. We just assumed that the deliveries to Bella the last time were from John or Pete. But it looks like they were from someone else.”

“It does indeed.”

This is the last thing we need. Who the devil could be sending these things to Bella. Who would want to hurt Bella now? Could it be related to the incident with Chloe? But this all started long before Chloe moved to London.

“No mention of this to Bella. Did she see you receive the parcel?”

“No boss, she didn’t see anything arrive, she was busy with her client.”

“Good, keep your wits about you Mike, go with your gut. Anything slightly off and I need to know about it.”


Mike leaves my office and I stand and pace. I feel like putting my hand through the wall. I won’t, as that will alert Bella and she will know there’s an issue. Bella has enough to worry about. I will not let anyone hurt her. I will kill anyone who touches her. I will not lose her again.

I contact my team who trace the eyes back to a local delivery company. They were given the parcel and asked to deliver it as part of a practical joke. I spoke to the manager personally, and let’s just say they won’t be participating in any practical jokes in the future. Idiots. They gave a vague description of a male who paid with cash. I doubt it will lead anywhere. I pick up the phone to ring Josh and then remember I can’t. We have a scheduled call tomorrow night on radio phones once they are settled. It makes me uneasy not being able to speak to him.

Josh and I have been friends since school. His father was murdered around the same time as Claire committed suicide. The traumas brought us even closer together. When we left education, we both needed to focus our anger on something positive, so we started King Security.


It’s been a busy day in the salon. I am exhausted. I thought it would take my mind off things with Chloe, but it hasn’t. I have spent today worrying about her and our baby. Damien has been at the salon all day working. He is trying to act normal, but I’ve seen him with Mike and I can tell he is worrying about me. I have a midwife appointment tonight. On the drive over Damien seems distracted.

“Hey, is everything ok? Have you spoken to Josh? How’s Chloe?”

“Everything is fine my Bella.” Damien says as he brings my hand to his mouth and kisses it.

“Josh and Chloe are safe, and we will soon have the guy behind bars. All you need to concentrate on is yourself and that little baby of ours.”

When we arrive at the clinic Damien’s phone rings so I tell him to take the call. I go into the treatment room and the midwife takes my blood pressure and some bloods. She seems a little distracted, maybe she’s having a bad day. That is until the door opens and my fiancé walks in. Damien pulls up the chair next to me and turns it slightly so he’s facing me. He talks my hand and then looks at the midwife in confusion. She completely stopped talking mid-sentence.

“Continue.” Damien instructs in his powerful way.

“Yes, so as I was saying the morning sickness should continue to get better, but if you have any other symptoms you are worried about or any questions, anything at all you just ring me. I’ll write my mobile number on the top of your pregnancy notes.” The midwife has completely changed personality since Damien walked through the door. She’s sat up straight, pushing her boobs out, fluttering her eye lashes and playing with her hair. Amusingly Damien hasn’t even noticed. His eyes haven’t left mine and he’s holding my hand on his lap. The midwife finishes up and Damien’s phone rings again, he excuses himself and leaves the room. I gather my things as the midwife catches my arm.

“Oh my god, you lucky thing. He is so hot! You’re not married are you?” Before I can answer Damien returns to the room.

“We will be soon, not that it is any of your business. It is also myself that is the lucky one. I suggest you make sure on our next visit you act nothing but professional, or I shall be speaking to your superior.” She looks as though she might cry. Oh well she deserves it. I follow my man back to the car admiring the gorgeous protective man he is. What I did to deserve him I will never know. But I am forever grateful.

“What are you smiling at Bella?”

“Just you, I love you Damien.”

“I love you too, and I know that look. Mmmmm.”

“Yeah? Well hurry up and get me home fiancé.”

“Oh no, I can’t wait till we get home. Climb in.”

Damien opens the back door of his Bentley. I smile excitedly and do as he says. The Bentley is extremely spacious and the back windows are completely blacked out. Damien slides in after me, he picks me up and places me on his lap. I turn and straddle him. I can already feel him hot, hard and ready for me.

“Aahhhh.” I grown as I push myself against him. Damien has always made me horny but with these pregnancy hormones I’m ready to go every minute.

We kiss deeply, both as equally hungry for each other. Damien’s hands are on my neck and bottom. Massaging and squeezing just as I like, melting me into him even more. I run my hands over his big shoulders and chest, then down to his large length I crave. I lift up as Damien releases himself and discards my panties in the process.

“Climb on my Bella. Let me in that heaven of yours.” Damien growls like he’s trying his best to hold on. I lift up guiding him in. I slowly slide down enjoying every inch and stretch. My breath catches as the euphoria becomes me. Once I’m as far as I can take him, Damien’s eyes turn a darker shade of brown. He grabs my face and kisses me with such desire. His hands move to my hips taking my weight. Using his hips he grinds and pounds our intermit areas together. Massaging both of my sensitive spots. In and out simultaneously, sending tingles and shivers throughout my body. I’m there. My insides begin to contract, my legs begin to shake.