Three months earlier. The day of the youth centre shooting.
Having dropped Bella off at home I enter the youth centre. I show my I.D and speak to one of the detectives whom I have met many times.
“We have one deceased 16 year old male in here.” We stand at the door. I see the boy lying on the ground surrounded by his blood. Police forensics have arrived and started taking pictures. The scene makes my blood run cold. What a traumatic experience the people in this room would have encountered. I move down the hall having seen enough.
“There are another two casualties, again teenage males, with gunshot wounds to their legs. They have been taken to the hospital by the paramedics, thankfully their injuries aren’t life-threatening. Everyone else is congregated in the games room. We are waiting for ‘appropriate adults’ to arrive for the minors and then we can take statements. As of yet we don’t have much to go on for the suspect, unfortunately.”
The games room is full of distraught teenagers. Their families are starting to arrive now, the room gets louder with emotion. I see Josh and make my way over to him.
“The detective’s brought me up to speed. How’s Chloe?”
“She’s being incredibly strong. Making sure everyone else is ok. I haven’t had chance to speak to her properly yet.” We both watch her as she comforts the teenagers. She hugs them, listens to them and even makes them smile. They obviously think a lot of her. A police officer walks over to Chloe and pulls her away from the girl she is currently speaking to.
“I’m going over there.” Josh joins Chloe and her face fills with relief when she sees him at her side.
I call Bella to let her know that Chloe is safe and well.
Once we are back at home, we leave the girls together and Josh and I go over today’s events.
“The CCTV on that building is atrocious. It’s like something from the 1950’s, absolutely useless. Good job Chloe’s on the ball and recorded it.”
“Yeah, she’s an incredible woman.”
“She’s putting on a brave face, but it will hit her sooner or later.”
“I know, I will keep an eye on her.” I have no doubt he will.
“I think it will be a good idea to arrange some protection until the gunman is found. We don’t know who he is yet, or if he is working for someone. Based on what I heard today, Chloe is the most reliable witness, and she is the one who got him on film. We need to keep an eye on her at all times.”
“She will be my priority. I will speak to a couple of the guys in the morning and make sure we have all areas covered.”
We go and check on the girls.
“We are going for a swim.”
“We will come with you.” Josh nudges me. I didn’t really fancy a swim but I’ll get to see my Bella in her bikini. I will also observe how she is with Chloe. Bella’s not been herself lately. She has assured me she is fine but there is something I cannot put my finger on.
After doing some lengths of the pool, the girls go into the steam room.
“Has Chloe said anything to you about Bella?”
“No. Like what?”
“There’s something not right, yet she is adamant she is fine.”
“Mate, women are a complicated luxury. It’s not our job to work them out. Only to be there when they need us. Plus, Chloe doesn’t speak to me about things like that. We have a friendly relationship. Nothing more.”
I nod, not wanting to pry.
When we retire to bed, I start to massage Bella’s shoulders. She is facing the opposite way, so I snuggle in behind her and breathe in her scent. I still can’t get enough of her. Pressing my hard length in between her bum cheeks I wrap my arms around her and kiss her neck.
“Not tonight Damien, I’m tired.”
What?! I roll back in utter shock and disappointment. Are we really here already? I obviously don’t expect to have Bella whenever I wish but I don’t even get a kiss or a cuddle?
I turn back toward her, leaning up on my elbow. I stroke the back of her head.