“Hey, Bella. What’s up?” Bella slowly turns around.
“What’s up?? I have turned you down, so you think there must be something up? There’s nothing ’up’ Damien. I’m just tired.” Bella pulls the covers up to her neck and rolls over to the far side of the bed.
There’s definitely something wrong. Bella has never spoken to me like that before. I’m angry because I know there is something she is not telling me. I can read people well, especially Bella. With anyone else, I would force it out of them, but with Bella, I cannot do that. I will let her calm down and speak to her tomorrow.
With gritted teeth, I wish her good night. I struggle to sleep due to my mind analysing every movement and conversation Bella has had recently. I know Bella is extremely upset over what has happened to Chloe. I also know tonight should have been a surprise birthday party for me, so she will be disappointed that didn’t work out. But it isn’t any of those things.
After hours of scrutinization, I realise the obvious.
“I’m sorry I snapped at you last night Damien, I was very upset and worried for Chloe. I will give you lots of attention tonight I promise.”
“No need to apologise my Bella.” I take her in my arms and kiss her gently but passionately.
“We’d better get up. We must give Chloe a lift and I have some errands to run if you don’t mind driving me?”
“Of course.”
I feel terrible. I’m in the car with Damien, sweating, because I am trying to stop myself from being sick. Damien is talking to me and all I can do is nod or make mumbling sounds. He seems really concerned about me. I really snapped at him last night and I feel awful for it, but I need to explain all this when I am feeling one hundred percent, which right now, I am not.
I’m having lunch with Chloe today, she will cheer me up, although it should be me cheering her up after what happened yesterday. Hopefully I will feel better later, and I will tell Damien he is going to be a father. Oh gosh, my stomach flipped. I really hope he is happy. We have talked about having a family together and said we would like to start soon, but this is very soon. Damien had said he wanted us to be married first, so I hope he isn’t disappointed.
My lunch with Chloe is just what I need. She knew I was pregnant without me even telling her. I am so lucky to have someone so close to me.
We laugh and talk for hours. Chloe is her usual bubbly self, although I can see through it. I know that yesterday has affected her, and she is putting a brave face on for me. I wish she didn’t feel like she needed to do that. Chloe has always been there for me. I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for her, but I just wish for once she would let me look after her. Chloe has always acted like my big sister, and now I want to repay the favour. She’s so brave and strong, but it can’t be good keeping everything bottled up. A problem shared is a problem halved, my mum always says. I try and speak about it, but Chloe just brushes it off. If there’s one thing I know about Chloe, it’s that if she doesn’t want to do something, then she won’t and there is no persuading her otherwise. I won’t be giving up though.
We talk about her and Josh, they are so into each other but neither of them can see it. It will happen between them I know it.
Chloe fills me with excitement and confidence about the baby. I can’t wait to get home and tell Damien now. And it looks like that will be sooner than I thought. Damien has just walked in, but he doesn’t look happy.
“Hey sweetheart, are you ok?” I ask Damien, concerned by the look on his face.
“Not really.” Damien replies as he quickly ushers me out of the restaurant and into the car.
“What’s wrong?”
“We will discuss it when we get home.”
Sadness fills me. Has he found out about the baby? Is he upset with me for letting this happen? Oh no, has this made him rethink our relationship? Panic runs through me, I can’t breathe. I am having a panic attack.
“Stop the car!”
“Stop the car I am going to be sick.” Damien pulls over and I am out of the car before it comes to a stop. I dash to a bush by the side of the road. I am just in time as my lunch and the litre of water I have demolished this afternoon removes themselves from my stomach.
Damien sweeps the hair back from the sides of my face and holds my hair until I’m done. Rubbing my back he asks “How are you feeling?” I stand and nod, not sure if I can speak yet. Damien hands me a tissue and guides me over to a bench a couple of feet further down.
“You should have told me, Bella.” Damien whispers as he kisses the top of my head helping me to sit down. I push the hair out of my face and rub my eyes, when I open them, they’re meet with Damien’s. His face level with mine. I notice he is kneeling in front of me.
“From that first moment I laid eyes on you Bella, I knew you were meant for me. Your beauty dazzled me, and your soul spoke to mine. My heart now beats for yours. I don’t ever want to live without. I am eternally grateful that I found you.” Damien reaches into his pocket and pulls out a red velvet box. Opening it to reveal a twinkling diamond on a golden band, he takes my hand in his.
“Bella White, will you do me the greatest honour and agree to become my wife?”
Feeling overwhelmed I throw my arms around him and sob into his shoulder. He picks me up and twirls us around.
“Is this a, yes?” Damien chuckles.