The weeks go by so quickly, I’m loving every minute of being with Josh. He’s changed me. He’s made me let him in. Made me let him take care of me. If it wasn’t for that crazy man after me, I would say I never want this to end. Josh has told me that Damien has made some good progress and that they know who the man is. It’s only a matter of time now until they catch him. I just hope my relationship with Josh continues and it isn’t just a holiday romance type thing.

I’m about to get in the shower but the water is still cold, I leave it running and go and find Josh to see if he can fix it. I hear voices coming from Josh’s bedroom. I quietly stand outside his room and put my ear to his door. Josh is on the phone with Damien. I’ve always known that Josh spoke to Damien, but I have never heard him before, I often wondered when he did. I thought it must have been when I was asleep.

“Go head, Chloe’s in the shower.” That’s what he thinks. I listen as best I can but Josh must be walking around the room, so I only catch bits of the conversation.

“How is she now?”

“I’m waiting to speak to the doctor.” They are talking about Bella. Something has happened to Bella. I strain to hear more, but I can’t. I then hear Josh end the call and walk to the door. I dash back to the bathroom and quickly step under the shower, thankfully the water has warmed up a little. I cover my hair in shampoo just in time.

“Hello gorgeous, is there room for me in there?” Josh removes his clothes and joins me before I have time to protest. Not that I would.

I can’t stop thinking about Bella. Is she ok? What has happened?

On our morning run I casually ask Josh if he has heard from Damien lately and how everyone back home is. He replies saying “Everything is fine, everyone is fine.” He’s not telling me so that I don’t worry. Which means it must be serious.

If he won’t tell me, I will find out for myself.

Later that day the perfect opportunity arises.

Chapter 9


While in a restaurant I nip to the ladies’ room. A group of girls are taking selfies in the mirror. When they leave, one of them has left their phone by the sink. I take it quickly and return to the toilet cubicle. Thankfully the passcode is to draw the code across the screen. Tilting the phone on its side I see the finger marks creating the shape of a triangle. After a couple of tries, as there are only so many ways to draw a triangle, I’m in. I dial Kingston manner as I can’t remember Bella’s mobile. Thankfully I have remembered it correctly. Penny answers “Good evening Kingston Manner, Penny speaking, how may I help you?”

“Penny, Its Chloe. I need to speak to Bella please and quickly.”

“I’m sorry Chloe, Bella’s not here. Her and Damien have gone away for a while, a holiday as such.”

“Ahh ok, Is Bella ok Penny?”

“Of course. Damien will do all he can to protect Bella, you know that Chloe.”


“Got to go Penny, bye.” I whisper. “Josh?.... I’m here I’m fine.”

“You’ve been ages, what are you doing? Are you unwell?”

“No, I’m fine just go wait for me at the table.”

“No, I’m waiting right here to see if you’re alright. Open the door.” I put the phone on top of the toilet and open the door, being careful not to fully open it, standing in the crack so he can’t see passed me. Josh looks a little confused and is looking around suspiciously. “I’ve actually got a bad stomach. Can we go home now?” His suspicion turns to concern. Josh puts his arm around me

“Of course.” As soon as we exit the toilet the selfie girls return looking for the phone I presume. Phew. That was a close one.

Bella is constantly on my mind. I keep going over the conversation with Penny. Something has happened. For the first time since we got here. I want to go home. I need to see Bella. I wish they’d hurry up and catch this guy.

I’m lay in the hammock on the front porch watching Josh fiddling with the cctv cameras.

“What are you doing Josh?”

“Checking for any lose connections.”

“Oh right. Why?”

“Because this morning when we got up the Cameras and alarm system weren’t on.”

“So have you found anything wrong?”