“No, it’s working perfectly now.”

“Maybe you just forgot to set it last night?” Josh quickly turns to look at me. His stare is furious.

“I do not forget things Clo. Especially not something as important as setting an alarm. I’ll have one of the guys come check it again tomorrow.”

Today I am feeling on edge. I think it must be the worry about Bella, it has brought back the reason as to why I am here. It’s like my denial comfort bubble has popped and the seriousness of my situation has finally hit me.

Everything feels different today. Our usual run along the beach fills me with anxiety. It is the same route we normally take. I have Josh by my side, so I know I am safe, but I cannot shake this feeling. I feel vulnerable. I feel like I am being watched.

“Hey, what’s up?” Josh asks as we get back to the cottage.

“Nothing, I’m fine.” I give Josh my most convincing smile.

“MMM. How about we have a day on the sofa today? I can bring all the duvets down and we can snuggle up and watch that ‘mates’ programme you like?”

I laugh so hard.

“You mean ‘Friends’?”

“Yeah, that’s the one. The one you watch with Bella. I’ll be a girl for the day. I will make us some popcorn and we can have pillow fights or whatever it is girls do?”

“That sounds amazing Josh. Thank you.”

“If you’re a good girl I might even let you have some ice cream and Nutella.”

We spend the day snuggled up. We get all the cushions off the sofa and make a bed on the floor. I introduce Josh to ‘Friends’ and he admits he really enjoys it. We eat pizza, popcorn, and chocolate like it’s going out of fashion. We laugh and kiss and cuddle. It has been the best day.

“This is it for me you know Clo.”

I look at Josh trying to read his expression. He is still facing the tele as if he’s nervous.

“Me too.” I can’t believe we are saying these words.

“Look at me.”

His eyes are full of emotion.

“When we get home. You’ll move in with me.”

I smile as a few weeks ago I would have protested at a man telling me what to do. But now. With Josh. He can boss me around however he wants.


Josh cups my face with both of his hands.

“I love you, Clo.”

My heart bursts and my eyes fill with tears.

“I love you too Josh.”

We make love into the early hours until we are completely exhausted. I am soon in a deep, contented sleep. That is…….


I wake to hand over my mouth.

Chapter 10