
“You should go. They are your kind.”

“And what of yours?” I ask him.

“You know the answer to this…” He pauses for a moment. “They’re all dead.” His fingers tap on the table. “It’s why I took over the castle. The one who holds the ultimate power must. And between you and me, my dear, that is me.”

“You think you have more power than me?” I laugh and throw my head back. When I glance back at him, he’s watching me with an unmoving gaze. One that would have most cowering. “You do not, Viper, have more power than me. Tell me, can you kill me if you touch me?” I ask as I stand.

I feel Bronik’s eyes on me, but I don’t even bother glancing his way. Stepping around the table until I reach Viper’s side, I touch his shoulder. And the minute I do, I begin siphoning his powers. It’s a light touch—I don’t intend to kill him—but the minute I taste it, I’m hungry, and my other hand lifts and lands on his shoulder as well. He tastes like the most invigorating breath of air and everything vibrantly green. What an odd flavor. Suddenly, I’m lifted into the air and thrown back, my body slamming into the white floor. But I just lie there with not a care in the world.

What a beautiful power.

Lifting my head, I lock eyes with Viper. And I know, I just know, my eyes are white right now.

“It’s refreshing to see what you see.”

And before I know it, something hits me, not physically, but mentally. My body caves into itself, and a loud scream echoes through the room.

What I don’t realize is that scream comes from me.

Chapter Three

Cinitta and her sister are hovering over me when I open my eyes. Gone is her violet hair, and in its place is scaly skin and fire. Managing to sit up, I realize Viper is standing a short distance away with a look of revulsion etched all over his face.

“How dare you?” he seethes.

“I can see you, Viper. I can see the deal you made,” I say quietly. “Valefar,” I whisper. And in the next instant, Valefar is standing in front of me. He checks around until his eyes find the sisters on either side of me, then he offers me a smile.

“I see you are still in trouble, Wings. Must run in the family.” He winks.

“You made a deal with Viper?” I accuse. I don’t need him to confirm the question because I can see it.

“Oh, that small thing. People are so hungry for power. For a power like yours, to be precise, Wings, but we just can’t give them that.”

“Demon.” Valefar turns to Viper. “Get out of my house.”

“Tsk, tsk,” Valefar says and looks back at me.

“You must get this everywhere you go,” I say to him, not curtailing my smile.

“Except you, Wings. You seem to welcome me.” He turns back to Viper. “This is not your house.”

“The queen is dead.”

“No, she stands right here.” Valefar steps back and waves a hand in my direction. “It seems she has had a taste of your power. Tell me, Wings”—he brings his attention back to me—“was it delicious?”

I nod my head and lick my lips.

“That’s because it’s laced with mine.”

I’m shocked at his words. “I thought deals were beneath you.”

“Not this deal,” he replies, and before anyone can utter another word, he is gone.

“Cinitta.” I step closer and reach for her. As soon as I make contact with her skin, the fire goes out, and she is back to her true form. “You don’t have to serve him,” I tell her. “He’s lying. The deal with your mother is long dead.”

She pulls my hand away, and the fire bursts back to life.

“That won’t work,” Viper states simply, sounding bored. “But you know what does work?” He snaps his fingers, and pain radiates through me instantly. Every fiber of my being is engulfed in an indescribable agony. I drop to the floor, my hands cooling at the feel of the marble beneath me.

I hear his steps as he comes closer, and I can do nothing to stop what happens next.


Another snap of his fingers, and I’m falling.

Falling with no end in sight.

No one has ever come back from a portal. It’s well known that there is no return once you go through one.

I should have expected something like this from Viper. I mean, I did piss him off. But a portal? Asshole.

My back slams into the ground, my head throbbing on contact, and I must remember I need to move.

I don’t know this world.

This world is not mine.

Only a few have the power to open portals. And it seems somehow Viper is now one of those few. Is this the place where everyone goes that disobeyed the queen, or did she just kill them?