I don’t even know for sure.

Another thing, this world is not for Angels or demons. So I can’t even conjure Valefar if I try. Opening my eyes, I look up to see stars, indicating that it’s nighttime. At least, as far as I can tell. My head is throbbing, and I think I kinked something in the back of my neck.

A distant noise becomes louder—it sounds like a bird. But not just a small bird chirping, more like a flock, maybe?

Managing to pull myself up and turn over, I crawl to the nearest tree where I can hide. As soon as I reach it, instant relief floods through me.

We thought that portals went to hell. No one really knew where you went because you just kind of… went.

Sitting with my back to the tree, I take in my surroundings. The stars shine brightly, making everything visible. Trees are everywhere I look, but they aren’t your average trees like the ones seen in Cardia. These have purple and pink flowers blossoming. I rub my eyes to make sure I see correctly, and sure enough, I am. Managing to stand, I turn around. The tree I’m leaning against is also pink and purple, and beneath my feet is lush green grass.

Everything here is so…

… dare I say, beautiful.

This can’t be Hell, can it?

The birds that were chirping before stop. And it seems everything goes quiet, hauntingly so.

The only thing I hear is the gentle sound of water lapping against a shore. Following the sound, I walk past the eye-catching trees and find a lake. Bending down, I go to put my hands in it to wash my face.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

My head shoots up at the sound of the voice, and I stop. Sitting on the other side of the lake is a man who’s dressed in what appears to be an all-black suit. But it’s not your average suit, more like a bodice top with long sleeves, and trousers that are form-fitting, but not quite as tight as a woman’s.

“Why?” I ask.

“This is sacred water. You are not permitted to touch it.” My eyes go wide at his words. He turns away from me and bites into what seems to be an apple. I stare at him, taking in his features. His hair is short, brushed back to perfection, and the color of a deep blue with hints of lighter brown strokes. His features are prominent, and his jaw is impeccably strong.

Dare I say it?

This man is stunning.

His eyes find mine, and they slice through me, and I almost feel bad for staring. Almost. He bites into the apple again as he studies me before he offers me a wink, then poof, he’s gone.

I stare at the spot where he was, bewildered.

What just happened?

And then I hear footsteps, several of them, coming in my direction. I manage to move but not quickly enough. I’m suddenly surrounded by men in blue uniforms, each of them holding some kind of weapon as they all stare at me, and all of them appear the same.

“Invader,” one of them sneers.

I look around, not sure what is going on, or what to expect, but knowing whatever it is can’t be good. A hand reaches out to grab me, and I react quickly, putting fire to the hand that touches me. His sleeve lights up, and he hisses, as does everyone else.

“Witch,” someone snarls.

And before I can say or do anything else, I’m overcome by something—not physically, but more like a spell.

And the last thing I see is a flash of blue.

“She’s from that world.” My head is groggy, but I can make out their words.

“You don’t know that.”

“But she is, my lord. Look at her. She isn’t from here.” Footsteps come closer, then stop. I hear someone breathing right in front of me.

“You can open your eyes now. I know you’re awake.”

I do as the voice asks, and when I do, I see him leaning over in front of me, a smile attached to his lips as he stares down at me. It’s the man from the lake, dressed pretty much the same way he was when I first saw him.

“How did you use that spell on me?” I ask, because most spells have been known not to work on me. I always assumed I was immune. Unless a demon was involved, that is.

“Your magic is different from our magic. Over the years, your magic has been diluted, where ours has only grown.”

“Diluted?” I sit up, my interest piqued. He remains crouched down in front of me, and his eyes, the color of a light blue sky, gaze back at me. I wonder if they look the same under the night sky.

“Yes. You let bloodsuckers and other things dilute your line, whereas ours is still pure.”