I wasn’t sure for how long it’d be, but she had moved back into our dorm. Our shared space smelled like warm sugar again, and I was completely aware that I didn’t mind that. I had missed her in a weird way.

A fucked way…

I eased her bag out of her hand. “This good, then?” I’d figure out something else if it wasn’t.

Her lashes flashed, as if surprised I asked. She folded her arms. “Uh, yeah.”


She nodded, grinning. She had subtle makeup on today, and her freckles were full out. On her face, her lips… “I mean, yeah. It’s perfect. You got a bus?”

“Called in a few favors.”

One in particular with Lucas who, again, had extended himself to me. It wasn’t a thing, and he took Fawn’s bag when we arrived at the bus.

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Greenfield. I’m Lucas, a friend of the Mallick family, and I’ll be driving you this weekend.”

Good ole Luke was sacrificing his whole weekend to cart around my friends and me. He’d be staying overnight and everything before taking us back to campus on Sunday.

Fawn extended a hand. “Nice to meet you, and thank you.”

Lucas took her bag, but before getting on, Fawn faced me. “All this is really for us?”

My friends chose to laugh in the next seconds. Wells and Thatcher were always loud as fuck. Fawn blinked, and since we were about to board, this was a good time to let her in on the fact they’d be coming along with us.

“Us, my sister, and the guys,” I said. “Sloane, D, and I always go back home for the weekend, and Thatcher and Wells are hitching a ride to do their laundry.”

Again, they were fucking lazy, and a second ago, Fawn had looked a little excited about leaving. Now, she had those freckled lips of hers turned down.

“What did you tell them? I mean.” She paused, her face all red and looking cute. Red could look cute when she wasn’t letting my ass have one. “What did you tell them about me?”

Well, there was nothing really to tell. She hadn’t told me anything about her or the situation. I propped an arm against the bus. “Sloane and D know I got the bus for you. We always go home together, so yeah, I had to tell them.” She looked worried about that, but I got her shoulder. I brought her close by both. “It wasn’t a thing, though. I swear. They’re not like that. As far as Thatch and Wells, they just think this is me being spontaneous.”

They actually said this was me being fun again, but I was fucking fun. Last year had just been shit.

Quite frankly, I’d had a few years like that, but things had been looking up. When Sloane had come back and Bru had arrived into our family, yeah, things had been good. Great.

They’ll be that way again.

They would be if I had anything to do with it, and I realized I was rubbing Red’s shoulders. I was squeezing them actually, but not only was she letting me, she had her eyes closed.

I brought her even closer then. “Red?” Something had me brushing her cheek, her hair in her face. I touched this girl in the most intimate of ways, but for some reason, just touching her fucking cheek shot excitement into my fingers. A tingle hit, and I couldn’t stop it. “Fawn…”

Her lashes fanned open, and she looked a lot better when she gazed up at me. Less worried, more relaxed. “I’m okay.”

“You’re sure?” I hunkered down. “We can do anything you want.”

I wasn’t lying. She had the cards here, hers. I’d probably do anything this girl fucking wanted to keep our arrangement up.

I mean, I had up until this point.

I’d gone down a rabbit hole I couldn’t back out of. I was in this shit for the long haul, and when Fawn nodded, I pushed it even more.

I put my hand out for hers, and a part of me hoped she wouldn’t take it. A part of me wanted her to tell me to fuck off. I wanted her to leave me. Leave this.

But she didn’t, though. She took my hand, and when she smiled, I made mine bigger. This girl and I had a counter on us. We had the moment I’d crashed her internship interview, but I was going to make those fucking seconds count.

Everything depended on it.