

Rough fingers ghosted my cheek, and my eyes fluttered open. Wolf stared at me, his lips tipped up in a smile.

I’d fallen asleep.

I was as aware of that as I was his fingers gliding across my skin. He’d done it to obviously wake me up, leaning in. His grin hiked. “Can’t even make it two hours, huh?”


I scrubbed my face, groggy. Upon sitting up, I noticed Wolf take back his arm, and I realized now I’d been laying on him. I pointed at him. “You let me sleep on you.”

“Let you is a strong statement. More like was forced to when you fell the fuck asleep after about ten minutes.” He said this, but his thick eyebrows danced. He tucked hands under his arms. “Must have been comfortable.”

Yeah, must have.

I pressed a hand to my face, still feeling him there,smelling him.He was like all around me, and I tried to angle out of the way of it.

We were alone.

Like no one was here, and there’d been plenty of people before. Wells, Thatcher, Dorian, and Sloane had definitely been on this bus, and I was surprised I had fallen asleep. They’d all been playing cards and had really gotten into it.

Wolf had asked me if I wanted to join, but I was awkward since I didn’t really know them. I’d opted to stay in my seat, and he’d surprisingly stayed with me.

I guessed that’d been when I fell asleep.

It’d been a nice gesture, and I guess something a boyfriend would do. Also something a boyfriend would do was book an entire Coach bus for his girlfriend to ride two hours in because she didn’t do cars, the reason for which he still hadn’t asked. I pushed my sweatshirt back over my shoulder. It’d fallen a bit with the wide neck. “Where is everyone?”

“Lucas dropped Thatcher and Wells off at their places,” he said, stretching that long wingspan. He dropped an arm behind me. “Dorian and Sloane are inside.”


Chuckling, he pointed out the window, and I blinked.

Holy fuck, this guy’s house…

I assumed this was his home, a large colonial-style mansion through the window. It had white columns and an expansive array of flowers surrounding the property, the lawn large and the house completely gated in. Spiked, iron gates gave the whole place a European feel, and my mouth parted. “Your house?”

“My house.” He grinned. “Anyway, you ready to go inside? Everyone is waiting for you.”

Everyone meaning his entire family.

And I’d been sleeping.

“Why did you let me sleep?” I asked, instantly feeling embarrassed. Visions of people on the couch wondering what was up with Wolf’s high-maintenance girlfriend swirled me. I pressed hands to my face, and Wolf chuckled.

“We haven’t been in here that long.”

Long enough where he felt the need to wake me.

The ghost of that digit still on my cheek, I dropped my hands and found him looking at me. “What?”

“Nothing,” he said, though he didn’t stop. That sizzle hit my cheeks again, but for a different reason.

What’s his deal?