“I got stuck working on an incident report. Something happened at one of the stores today, and now it’s just the tedious task of filing the paperwork. Since Grandger is so small, we partner with the sheriff for the area. They cover anything that comes through when we’re off at night or when we take personal time. The reports we submit keep everyone informed of what happened.”

“If you ever need backup,” she offered with a mischievous grin, “I can bring my knife.”

A smile tugged the corners of my lips. Grabbing the plastic bag, I pressed my other hand to the small of her back, urging her toward the rear of the tiny station. “Thanks, but I think we’ve got it handled. Do you have time to stay for a while, hang out with me while I eat? Seeing you for a few minutes during lunch earlier wasn’t near enough of my Georgia fix.”

Hell, I sounded pathetic.

“I was actually hoping to stick around. Shade is home with Gracie.”

Something flashed behind her eyes, but she quickly looked away before I could get a good read.Hmm.I studied her face, the pink flush now highlighting her cheeks. I’d have to figure out what that was all about.

Palm of my hand pressed just above her ass, I guided her to the closet-sized room we used for a makeshift break room. It wasn’t much, but it had a small refrigerator, a basic coffee maker, and a folding table with two chairs on either side.

“Where do you put the people you arrest?” she questioned, leaning forward to search down the short hall.

“It doesn’t happen often, but when we do, we take them to the next town over. It’s about a thirty-minute drive, and they process them there. They have a jail where we don’t, considering our town’s size. Most of what we get around here is drunk and disorderly, vandalism, and domestic calls. Honestly, Grandger isn’t technically big enough for a police force, but Shade and I stepped in knowing it would help the town. We take a small wage, but most of the funds go to the gear and squad car.”

“So what you’re telling me is this town is super safe, and I should stop assuming everyone I meet here is a potential serial killer?”

A dull ache burned along my cheeks from my wide smile. “It’s a safe bet that we’re serial killer free, though I’m good with you staying hypervigilant.” I put the food down on the table and pulled out a chair for her. “How was your day with Shade? Did you like the farm? Hopefully none of the goats picked on you for being new,” I said over my shoulder.

When she didn’t immediately respond, I turned, worry hitting me like a punch to the gut. Georgia’s face was bright red, and her green gaze bounced nervously around the space, clearly avoiding me.

“Hmm,” I drawled. “What is that blush all about, sweetheart?”

She puffed out a breath and tossed both hands in the air. “We kissed, okay? And… did other stuff.” Her petite features pulled in a wince.

I gently grasped her chin, forcing her eyes to focus on me. “Did you like it?” She nodded. “Good.” I searched her face, unease tightening my stomach. It wasn’t their kiss that made me nervous, more concern for my sensitive friend. “You’ll be careful with him, right?” Georgia’s hair fell over her shoulder when her head tilted in obvious confusion. “Shade doesn’t let anyone that close. I know he hasn’t been with anyone since Jessa, and I’m almost positive that includes kissing.”

Her features softened, and in that moment, I knew my concerns weren’t valid. That she wasn’t the kind of person to intentionally hurt either of us.

“Trap, come on. You know I would never hurt him on purpose.”

“I know, sweetheart, but you simply being you has the potential to bring a man like Shade—a man like me—to his knees without you even trying.” She winced like my words were hurtful, which wasn’t my intention. I slid my hand along her jaw, cupping her face as I brushed my thumb along her silky soft skin. “You’re everything we never knew we needed, and everything we’ve ever wanted.”

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, anguish clear in her rasp.

I shook my head, causing a few chunks of hair to fall along my forehead. “Don’t stop. Don’t you dare fucking stop destroying us.”

“Why me?” she asked, gaze open and imploring. “Why am I any different?”

“You’re perfect for two broken men who never thought they’d feel their hearts beat again. You, just by simply being you, jolted us back to the land of the living. I’m so fucking tired of pretending to be happy, of seeing my friend slip deeper and deeper into himself. This is dangerous. We could end up as empty shells when you leave us behind to start your new life. But I’d rather have you now, for as long as we get you, than to have never felt my world turn on its axis like this. Because of you, and only you.”

Not giving her a chance to respond, I cupped my other hand around her face and held her in place, crashing my mouth to hers. Her moan vibrated against my lips, hands curled around my biceps, urging me closer. I tightened my hold, angling her face to deepen the kiss. When I pulled back, she followed with a whimper that traveled straight to my half-mast dick. Now rock-hard, it throbbed against the zipper of my uniform pants.

Her hands slid to my chest, though disappointment hit me when I couldn’t feel her desperate touch because of the vest. But when she fisted the shirt to tug me closer, the frustration vanished. Herding her back a step, then another, I pressed against her, sealing our lower halves together when her back hit the far wall.

Glazed green eyes blinked, her chest heaving. “Didn’t you say you were hungry?” she panted.

“I’m starving,” I purred. “But not for anything in that bag.” Her eyes were wide, and a fresh pink flush coated her cheeks. “How do you feel about that, sweetheart? Can I eat your sweet pussy right here, right now?”

She swiped the tip of her tongue along her lips, her hair falling forward with her quick nod. “Shade said he wanted to do that too.”

“Is that so?” I mused.

A new rush of red flooded her cheeks, working its way down her neck and disappearing beneath the high collar of her sweater. “And he said he wanted to do it while you watched.”

There was nothing humorous in my responding dark chuckle. “Do you feel adventurous tonight?” I traced a finger down her neck to dip into her sweater, dragging the material down.