It melted me every time they did something out of their way to make her feel special.

Just like they did me.

“I’m going, then.” Again, Trap angled the phone away. “I guess I should ask when and where we’re going?”

“I assume New York, though I’m not positive where the FBI is holding him. Max didn’t get that far.”

Trap dipped his chin in acknowledgment. His fingers skimmed higher, tracing over my ribs one by one. “I’ll coordinate with Max, and we’ll go from there.” He rolled his eyes. “Yes, the food is here. Stop worrying, Dad.” The words were chastising, but his tone lacked heat. In fact, his smile softened, taking on a sentimental feel. “Okay, we’ll see you at home.”

Hearing him say that, while his hands were on me and I was wrapped in his warm embrace, made my heart skip a beat.

Even though we all knew this was temporary and we’d all end up hurt, I couldn’t stop from falling even more for the two men.

And crazy enough, I couldn’t find it in me to care.



Hot anger coursed through my veins, heating my skin and making my heart race. But I didn’t let any of it show as I continued to hold Georgia against me, gently stroking her side. That manipulating bastard no doubt planned to use our girl to get out of trouble with the feds. How? I had no fucking clue, considering I’d just learned the new basics of the situation she fled.

Her soft sigh brushed along my neck, my skin pebbling in its wake. She hadn’t said a word since I got off the phone with Shade. If I knew her as well as I thought I did, she was overanalyzing the situation and worrying about what was to come. I didn’t want that for her. I wanted to take it all away, make her comfortable giving up control, knowing we would keep her safe.

For her to fully believe that we’d do anything to protect her and Grace.

Most people would think I only wanted control in the bedroom, but that was Shade’s domain. I wanted to take control of her daily worries so she didn’t have to deal with them, take big decisions off her plate so she didn’t have to make them. Did that make me a dominant and possessive asshole?


But where Shade worried if she ate and if she was warm enough, I wanted to take her fears and concerns and make them my own. I wanted to protect her from the world and herself. Was it too soon to feel this way about someone we’d only just met last month? With anyone else, I would say yes and tell my friend to run away—fast. But there was chemistry between the three of us that went beyond physical attraction.

Georgia was slowly giving us our lives back, especially Shade. For the first time in three years, I felt like I had my best friend back. He was happier, less of a grouchy, silent ass all day, every day. The daily texts checking in to make sure I was safe had grown more spread out, as if his mind was no longer consumed with the fear of losing someone else he loved.

I loved Jessa. She was my best friend and understood my quirks that I’d gained from my shit childhood. She was exactly what Shade and I both needed. And we were what she needed to feel loved and protected.

But if we were to meet Jessa now as adults, I wasn’t so sure we would’ve worked. After being with Georgia the last few weeks, I’d realized the last three years had changed Shade and me. We no longer needed the sweet innocence Jessa had brought to our relationship, no longer had the urge to take care of someone because they couldn’t do it themselves.

Georgia could take care of herself and had done a damn good job of doing that despite her husband being a dickwad. That didn’t change the fact that I wanted to take care of Georgia myself so she could relax and be free for just a little while. I noticed during our days together that she got lost in her head sometimes, overthinking the past or even the future.

Hopefully, someday, she’d trust me enough to give me all of that so I could carry her worries for a little while.

That was what I craved. Well, that and her beautiful body.

Fuck, that kiss. So soft and sincere, almost as if she were trying to pull my pain into herself. The woman was beyond selfless. Which was why I was determined to go with her to meet that bastard husband of hers. There was no doubt in my mind that he’d attempt to manipulate her, somehow having her take all the blame or making her feel guilty for helping the FBI press charges.

Like fuck I’d let him manipulate her ever again.

If he tried, he’d die. Simple as that.

Prison wouldn’t be so bad knowing the jackass who hurt her was dead.

“You hungry?” she asked, drawing me out of my head. A hesitant smile pulled at her lips, the lower one raw from her constant gnawing, and she tilted her head toward the plastic bag stuffed full of to-go containers. “You should eat it before it gets cold, if it’s not already.”

“Did you already eat?”Damn, I sound like Shade.

“I ate at the house with Shade and Gracie. We missed you at dinner, by the way. What has you working so late?”

Standing from my perch on the edge of the desk, I stretched both arms high overhead, a low groan rumbling in my chest as my muscles pulled tight from sitting behind the desk most of the day typing up reports.