Page 7 of A Kiss Of Lies

A shudder racked his body and a flare of hope ignited before he hastily beat it down. He was being absurd. Why was a young woman of this caliber, closer to twenty than thirty, seeking a job that would have her spend most of her life tucked away in the country?

“Mrs. Cooper, I do wish to emphasize the position is not just for the duration of the voyage back to England. I would expect you to take up residence at my country estate in Dorset.”

“That was very clear in your advertisement.”

“I will be spending most of the year in Dorset. I will do no entertaining, and I have little call for visitors or friends. Life in Dorset will be very dull. You would be most unlikely to find another husband working for me.”

“That would suit me fine. One husband is more than enough.” The venom in her voice surprised him, and he frowned. Had her husband mistreated her? His father had taught him just how vile and degrading a husband could make a marriage.

He raised an eyebrow. “Most applicants see the position as a means to get paid passage back to England. I’d hate to think that you might simply disappear after I’d paid for the voyage.”

“I’m a widow, my lord. Where would I go? I have no family left in England.” She shook her head, and a wisp of hair escaped her cap and brushed against her cheek; his fingers itched to tuck it behind her delicate ear. “No, it’s a long-term position I’m seeking. The quiet of the country will suit me perfectly.” She hesitated. “As long as I may ride and paint in my spare time?”

Riding and painting—these were the hobbies of gentry. They were skills Lily would need in order to make a good marriage, a marriage he approved of. He’d never let Lily be handed into the care of a bully or reprobate, as his mother’s father had done. He’d never put a title or elevated social position ahead of Lily’s happiness or safety.

He inclined his head. “I’m sure these can be accommodated. Lily will need to learn to ride. I have no idea if she’d like to paint.”

“Painting is something she could learn immediately. It might make the voyage to England less daunting if I got her to concentrate on painting the things she loves. To paint her mother while she still has a clear memory of her, for example.” Her smile faltered. “I wish I had thought to do so when I was younger.”

The musical melancholy of her voice played over his skin like a caress, matching the sympathy obvious in her face.

“I don’t want Lily to be subject to more change than necessary. Having just lost her parents, I don’t wish her to get attached to a governess who then ups and leaves her upon reaching England. The transition to a new country will be difficult enough. To add more change would be cruel.” He noticed Mrs. Cooper did not blink or flinch—either sign would have indicated that that had indeed been her exact intent. “I will not take on anyone who may cause Lily further pain. Do I make myself quite clear?”

The woman nodded vigorously. “That is admirable of you, my lord. Most men do not understand what losing one’s mother does to a small child.”

Christian knew only too well. His mother had died when he was six. Worse, he lived with the memory that it had been at the hand of his father.

“I’d take it very personally if she lost someone else so soon after losing her mother. Very personally.” He let the threat hang in the air.

“I would be very grateful to receive a position such as this.” She swallowed and seemed to choke on her words. “To be alone in the world is daunting. To be alone and a woman is doubly so.”

“Even for a woman with brains?” he said with a smile.

“More so, I suspect. I don’t hide from the realities of life. I know what could happen to me.”

His smile faded. “Then it appears we can help each other.”

He relaxed back in his chair and studied her. Either Mrs. Cooper was the world’s greatest actress or she really did wish to find the security of a position—wished it enough to take on Devil Scarface himself.

“The position is yours, if you’d like it. But on one condition.”

The relief was obvious in her smile, and she offered her hand for him to shake. “Thank you, my lord, I’m most grateful. What is the condition?”

The rush of thankfulness through his body at her response should’ve been a warning. Could he live with a woman such as this in his house, reminding him every day of what he might never have?

Yes. He could live with a woman who was not afraid to look at him. It made him forget, for just one moment, that anything had changed.

That he had changed.

He cleared his throat. “It seems that I have been fortunate to find you with no current employment. You certainly have the qualifications I’m looking for, but the final decision will be Lily’s.”

She pulled papers from her bag. “Did you want to see my references?”

“That won’t be necessary. I find paper references a waste of good ink. It’s too easy to hide the truth in words, whereas a face is more revealing.” He gave the bell one long pull, and it wasn’t long before a small knock could be heard on the door. “Enter.”

Lily Pearson shyly entered the room, and walked around to stand next to his chair. She looked so sad and so alone. The urge to pull her to him and swear his protection was strong, but not in front of Mrs. Cooper, who’d think him unbalanced.

He gave Lily a warm smile, and his soul lifted when she smiled back at him. She’d not had much to smile about recently. He admired Lily’s resilience. She’d taken the death of her parents and the change in her position better than many had predicted. Mrs. Hobson, the housekeeper, said she still cried herself to sleep each night, but that was to be expected. He took her small hand in his.