“Lily, this is Mrs. Cooper. I’m thinking of offering her the position as your new governess, but only if you like her.”
“She’s very pretty,” Lily uttered before he could finish.
He could feel heat flood his face. “Yes, well, be that as it may, I suggest you two have tea together. After tea, you can then give me your verdict. Would that suit?”
Lily reached up and kissed his scarred check, and his whole body stiffened. No one kissed him nowadays unless paid to do so. Certainly no one kissed his scars.
Shocked, he sat like a statue until Mrs. Cooper said, “Shall I ring for tea?” She smiled at Lily. “Where shall we have it?”
Lily’s face sobered. “Let’s take it in the drawing room, where Mama always took tea.” She walked away from his desk, collected Mrs. Cooper’s hand, and said, “Come on, I’ll show you. On the way we’ll ask Mrs. Hobson to make the tea.”
“That’s a splendid idea.” Mrs. Cooper turned to look at him over her shoulder.
He smiled encouragingly and stood. “I’ll join you both in an hour.”
She nodded and closed the door. He could hear Lily prattling to Mrs. Cooper as they made their way to the drawing room at the other end of the house.
He prayed Lily liked Mrs. Cooper. Guilt started raking its talons up his body. He hadn’t hired Mrs. Cooper solely for Lily’s sake. He had hired her also for his own.
Lily was busy eating one of Mrs. Hobson’s scones. It gave Sarah a chance to think and absorb what had just happened.
Sarah looked around the feminine room and felt every muscle in her body relax. She sat back into her seat. She felt safe. She hadn’t felt so safe in a long time.
It wasn’t solely the warmth radiating from the fire in this cozy room, obviously decorated with a family in mind. It was because, for some reason, when she looked into Lord Markham’s sad eyes, she’d sensed she’d be safe with him.
Having a husband whose cruelty was renowned, she’d learned to read people. It had saved her many a beating.
Turning her attention to Lily, she asked, “How old are you?”
“I’m twelve, but I’ll be thirteen in September. You don’t look very old. I thought all governesses were ancient.”
She smiled at the little girl sitting so properly across from her. “I’m a fairly new governess. You’ll be my first charge.”
“Don’t worry. You’re my first governess, so I’m unlikely to know if you’re any good at your job.”
“Do you not want a governess?”
“That depends on who the governess is, and what I have to learn. I’m pretty sure Lord Markham won’t let you beat me.” Lily hastily rushed on, “Not that you would, anyway.”
Sarah laughed. “I won’t beat you. You’re lucky to have Lord Markham as your guardian. He is a war hero back in England. Did you know that?”
Lily nodded while she ate her scone. “Papa told me that is how he got his burns. He said not to be scared of his lordship, and that he was a great man.”
“Are you? Scared of Lord Markham?”
Lily didn’t even look up from where she was spreading jam over her second scone. “No. He has been nothing but kind to me. If Papa trusted him, then I know Lord Markham will take good care of me.” She hesitated. “Besides, he understands what it is to be sad. He doesn’t scold me for crying. He’s sad too. Sad and alone . . . just like me.”
Lord Markham did look sad. Sarah could read the Earl’s pain as clearly as you could see France from the cliffs of Dover on a cloudless day. She sensed his suffering. She knew a kindred soul when she saw one.
“The Earl of Markham was an extremely handsome man in his youth.”
Lily’s eyes opened wide. “You knew him when he lived in England?” she asked excitedly.
Sarah laughed. “No. I saw him once at a ball. I hid in the eaves of a great house, and watched all the men and women of high society. He was in his officer’s uniform. He looked very dashing.”
“He’s still dashing. Only one side of his face is burned. I tend to look at his unmarked side. Most of the time I don’t even notice his scars.”