Fortunately, he had sent word ahead to the staff at his London house to expect them. The servants busied themselves seeing to the luggage, while Christian urged Lily and her up the front steps and into the entrance hall.
“Welcome home, my lord.”
“Glad to be back, Roberts. May I introduce my ward, Miss Lily Pearson, and her governess, Mrs. Cooper? I trust Mrs. Boyle has readied rooms for them.”
There was a cough at his side, and Mrs. Boyle stepped forward. “Of course, my lord, and if they would like to follow me, I’ll show them to their rooms and they can freshen up before dinner.”
He watched Sarah and noted that she seemed unfazed by the opulent surroundings, yet another sign of her upbringing. He knew the Duke of Hastings’s home was even grander than his own. She did not look at him as she followed plump, friendly Mrs. Boyle.
“I shall see you at dinner, ladies,” he called after their retreating backs. He could hear Lily already exclaiming over the house as they made their way gracefully up the stairs.
“There is a pile of urgent correspondence waiting in your study, my lord. Lord Blackwood has not been by in over two weeks.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Did you mention to him the urgency?”
“I did, but got no response. I finally sent one of the staff around to his townhouse, only to be told he’d left London.”
His temper flared. “Left London? Where did he go? But I have only just arrived.”
“I believe Lord Fullerton knows more. There is a note from him. It says he’ll call around as soon as it’s convenient.”
“Thank you, Roberts. Send for him immediately. Now I’d like to wash and change before he gets here.”
Lily was still busy exploring her room and excitedly helping her new maid, Eliza, unpack. Sarah had suggested to Eliza that Lily have a bath and a rest before dinner.
Sarah’s lips formed a tight line when she saw her room. She’d been placed in a guest room down the hall from Lily—a room not befitting her station as an employee, for it was too grand.
Christian was heralding his strategy.
When she hesitated in the doorway, Mrs. Boyle asked, “Is the room not to your liking? Lord Markham was quite adamant that this room be yours.”
“I’m sure he was,” she muttered under her breath. She turned and smiled at Mrs. Boyle. “The room is lovely. Grander than I was expecting.”
“Lord Markham explained to the staff that this is what you are used to, being you’re distantly related to the Duke of Hastings, and fallen on hard times. I could tell as soon as I saw you enter the house you were from quality.”
Sarah’s smile fled in an instant, replaced by cold, numbing fear. He’d told people she was distantly related to the Duke? She knew how servants gossiped. Soon it would be all over London that a woman related to the Duke was now in his household. How long before anyone put two and two together and came after her?
The best-laid plans of mice and men . . . She was definitely the mouse in this story. Trapped! She should leave, and leave at once, but where would she go? Perhaps she could suggest that she escort Lily directly to Dorset without him, saying that it would be expedient to be out of his way while he fought to clear his name. It would protect Lily from gossip and innuendo, she’d tell him.
If she had to, she would give him an incentive to let her leave. She knew what sort of incentive he’d want. But right now every cell in her body called to her to flee. And she’d do whatever it took to remain safe.
Lord Hadley Fullerton didn’t arrive until dinner was about to be served. Impatient as he was to talk privately, Christian wanted to see Sarah more, so he suggested the men talk after they’d eaten.
The men then discussed Sebastian’s situation. Hadley hoped to have good news soon. He felt sure that with the right inducement he could secure a pardon from the Prince.
“Damn it all, if I’d negotiated harder, Sebastian could have sailed home with you, Christian.”
“I believe he’s unlikely to feel the desire to rush home too soon.”
Hadley stretched his long legs out toward the fire, even though the evening was uncommonly warm. “Ah, a woman.”
Christian shrugged. “What else would keep Sebastian from England?”
Just then Roberts entered and announced, “Miss Lily Pearson and Mrs. Cooper.”
The men rose to their feet as the ladies entered. Christian wanted Lily to dine with them on her first night in her new home. He wanted her to feel included in his life.
Lily looked delightful. Eliza had set her hair, and Christian’s chest swelled with pride as she rushed over and gave him a curtsey.