She nods her head, her eyes big. “Yes, you are. He’s a good guy, Sierra. You know he is, I know he is. I know you, and you think it’s pity or whatever, but it’s not. You didn’t see his face when he found out you were the one that sent him all the care packages. That meant a lot to him.”

I’m quiet for so long I finally decide to change the subject. “So, when are you going to talk to me about your secret?”

She leans back in her chair. “I don’t have any secrets.”

It’s my turn to snort. “Really? You mean the marriage certificate I found with your name on it... that’s not a secret?”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” she says, and before I can ask her anything else about it, she changes the subject. “So what about you? You still feel like someone’s watching you?”

Shoot. I almost let myself forget about it. For the past few months, weird things have been happening. I’ve felt like I’ve been watched a few times I swear that things have been moved around my house. But as soon as I get freaked out about it, days will go by with nothing, and I’ll convince myself that everything is fine.

I dig into my purse and pull out an envelope and lay it on the table between us. “I found this in the night drop.”

She reaches out and picks it up gingerly, as if she’s waiting for a bomb to go off. Slowly, she opens it and unfolds the paper and reads it. I already have the message committed to memory and say it word for word with her. “Sierra, I’ve been out of town but don’t worry I’m back. I missed you and I can’t wait for the day that we are finally able to be together. I’ll be seeing you soon my sweetheart. With love, X.”

She trembles, and it’s the exact same way I reacted when I read it.

She holds the paper up. “You have to call the police.”

I nod. She’s been trying to tell me that for a while, but this is the first true account that someone is following me. “I know, you’re right.”

She points at me. “You hesitated. Why did you hesitate?”

I shrug my shoulders. “What if it’s just some harmless situation? I don’t want to get anyone in trouble. I mean, he hasn’t done anything wrong.”

Violet grabs my hand. “But it can be. You don’t know, that’s the whole point. You should tell Evan. He’d know what to do.”

I’m already shaking my head when I hear, “Tell me what?”

I gasp and look at the big man looming over us. How in the world he snuck in without either of us knowing is beyond me. “Evan!” I say as if I’ve been caught red-handed.

* * *


I walk in and Violet and Sierra are in deep conversation. When I get close, I hear my name and they both look up in shock at me when I say, “Tell me what?”

Violet slides across the booth and stands up, gesturing for me to sit down. She doesn’t say anything to me; instead she points at the piece of paper on the table and tells Sierra, “You should tell him, Sierra. He can help.”

But Violet is already shaking her head as she reaches for the paper. Luckily, I’m faster than her, grab it up and scan the message while I sit down across from her. When I’m done, I hold it up. “What is this? Who gave this to you?”

She clasps her hands on the table in front of her while I try to contain the fury that is surging through my veins. “I found it in the night return box at the library.”

“Who is it? Who is X?”

She lifts her shoulders and sighs. “I don’t know. Uh, but actually I was going to go and talk to Sam about putting in an alarm system at my house.”

My fists clench on the table, wadding the paper in my hands. “Has this guy been to your house?”

She flinches. “Uh, well, I’m pretty sure someone has, but I can’t prove it. Just things moved around, things like that. I’m sure it’s nothing; I just thought a security system will make me feel safer, ya know. Is Sam at the office? Maybe I can stop by and talk to him about it before my lunch break is over.”

“I’ll do it,” I tell her.

“Under the circumstances, it’s probably better if I get Sam to do it.”

I lean back in the booth, crossing my arms on my chest. “Because I have vertigo?”

She throws her hands up in the air. “No, God, not because you have vertigo. I don’t care that you have vertigo.” Her face is flushed. “I mean, I care, but not for the reasons you think they are. You are a perfectly capable man. I mean because of my crush...”