I lean in then. “Go ahead. Finish it. Finish what you were going to say.”

She blows a breath out. “Fine. It’s not like you didn’t know anyway. I made a fool of myself enough times because of it. I had a crush on you in high school. I just think it’s better if we stay...”

I stand up and walk around to her side of the table. I put one hand on the table in front of her and one on the booth behind her. I lean over until she’s so close that her sweet scent hits my nose. I inhale deeply, not even caring if she knows I’m smelling her. “I have a crush on you, Sierra. Today. Right now. And I’m pretty sure it could be more. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to take this to the police station and give a report. I’m going to check the security cameras for the library and see who put that in the box last night, and then when you get off work, I’m going to your house to install your alarm.”

She’s looking up at me, her eyes wide. “Then what?”

And fuck if the way she says it doesn’t make my balls clinch. “Then I’m going to kiss you.”



Ican’t believe I agreed to this. I’m driving my little Honda away from downtown toward my house. I keep looking in the rearview mirror, and Evan’s right behind me. He did exactly what he said he’d do: He went with me to the police station and sat with me while I explained all the weird things that have been happening, and then I gave them the letter. They made a report, but unfortunately that’s about all they can do at this point. However, Evan made them promise to patrol my neighborhood more, so there’s that at least. He then walked me to the library and programmed his number into my phone. “I’ll be right across the street. Don’t go anywhere without me.” He was bossy and demanding and normally I’d get upset about being told what to do, but the way he said it had me just nodding my head at him.

And now, here we are, pulling into my driveway and when he parks next to me, I get out to meet him. “Did you check the library cameras? Could you tell who dropped the letter?”

He gathers up equipment from the back of his truck and meets me at my steps. “No, whoever it was had a hat pulled down real low on his face. I made a copy of it and gave it to the police.”

“Okay,” I tell him before leading him inside. I had hoped he would find out who it was and it would be over with, but apparently that’s not going to be the case.

He’s looking around my small but cozy living room. “I like your house.”

I feel pride looking around. I had to save for a long time to get this house, and even though it’s small, it’s mine. “Thank you.” I walk a few feet away. “I’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything. Do you want a soda or water? I may have a beer.”

“No thanks.” He gets to work, and instead of the usual flirting, he seems to be all business. I could curl up on the couch and just watch him work, but I know that would be weird. So instead I go to the kitchen and see what I can fix for dinner. I get lost in cooking when I turn at a noise. Evan is leaning against the doorway, watching me work.

“Hey, are you done already?”

He nods. “Something smells good. I missed lunch today.”

I know he’s hinting, and I figure it’s the least I can do. “Do you want to stay for dinner?”

He walks into the room, and I turn back to the stove. He’s hovering over me, and I can feel the heat from his body at my back. “Mmmmmm. Spaghetti. It’s my favorite.”

I plate the food and slide away from him and set it down on the table. “Have a seat.”

He sits down, and I grab drinks and silverware before sitting across from him.

He takes a bite and moans around the mouthful. “This is good.”

My face heats. “Thanks. So I’ve been meaning to ask, you okay after this morning?” I’m worried that I may have brought up a sore subject, but I’ve been worried about him all afternoon.

“Yeah, I’m good actually. I called my doctor, and there’s a new drug that just came out. He said I needed to get on it, so he called it in, and Sam went and picked it up for me. I took it this afternoon and already I feel like a new man. Or well, the same man before I started having vertigo.”

“Oh, Evan. That’s great! I’m so happy for you.”

He stares at me, and his gaze is heated as he tells me thanks.

“So uh, how’s it been being back?”

He shrugs. “I sort of avoided everyone the first month I got back, just trying to get my feet under me. I’m doing good now. I saw a girl I knew in high school, and she’s pretty much all I’ve been thinking about lately.”

Jealousy surges until I look up at him and there’s a twinkle in his eyes. He must be able to read my expression. “You, Sierra. I’m talking about you.”

Pleasure hits me in the chest, but I still can’t trust it.

“Go out with me? To a movie and dinner?”