Damn – the girl knows me well.
I nod shyly. "Isn't that horrible of me?"
She sighs, putting her glass down and walking over to me. She pulls me into a hug. "I get it, I do. Just make sure you're not hurting yourself more in the process. They don't deserve your pain or your tears. Whatever you do, just make sure you're doing it foryou."
I hug her back tight, relieved that once again, I'm being painted with a scarlet A. "Thanks, Phoebs. Maybe I'm just too messed up for normal people."
"Or maybe…" she says, pulling back. "Some people just can't handle who you are. And those people, Ry… they aren't your people."
Two pizzas and two bottles of wine later, we're into the third episode of Wednesday. I'm enjoying my night so much that I've almost forgotten about today's events. Almost…
"I'm off to bed, Ry. I need to be up early. What day are you heading back?" Phoebe asks, rubbing her red eyes.
I grab my blanket from the floor and throw it over my body. "Maybe tomorrow. If not, the next day."
She nods. "Just make sure you say goodbye."
"I will, I promise," I say, shoving a cushion behind my head. Phoebe waves me off goodnight and heads to her bedroom.
I stare at the ceiling for a few minutes before reaching for my phone. I check my contacts list to see if Zayn did put his number in as mentioned, and I'm not surprised when I find his name with an eggplant emoji in my list. I gawk at his name for a minute, tempted to drunk message him, before I finally come to my senses.
I'm going on a No Taylor Dick ban. Even if they challenge me. I will be strong.
All I need to do is avoid them all until I leave. It should be a piece of cake.
Shouldbeing the operative word.
I'm woken up by a knock on Phoebe's door. Groaning, I reach for my phone and see it's already 9am. I've slept in much later than I had intended, and Phoebs would be long gone.
I contemplate ignoring the person on the other side, but they knock again, forcing me to get up.
"Hold on," I grumble, stepping over discarded pizza boxes. I make a mental note to clean it up after I finish shooing away the person who has dared to disturb my beauty sleep.
I rip open the door, scratching my head. My hand drops and I'm instantly wide awake.
"You have to be kidding me…." I groan.
My mother looks me up and down, almost like she can't believe I'm here… and probably appalled by my clearly hungover state.
"Gosh, Rylee. You're a mess," she says, strolling past me to walk into the kitchen.
I swing around, staring at her in disbelief. "You can't just walk into other people's places, Mother."
Mom turns to look at me, hand on hip. "I can when they are my daughter. You've ignored me for weeks, and now I find out you're in town?"
I let out a sarcastic laugh. Why am I surprised?
"Which one was it?" I ask, moving past her to the fridge. I grab a bottle of water, popping off the top as I take a sip. The cold liquid tastes like heaven on my dry throat, and I can see Mom's gaze hover over the untidy living room.
"What are you talking about?" she asks, putting her expensive designer bag on the counter.
I let out an "ahh" when I finish drinking. "You know, which one of your darling stepsons dobbed me in this time? Was it Asher again? He just loves to stir the pot. Sorry to bring you away from your beloved ranch, but it really wasn't necessary."
Mom clicks her tongue in frustration. "I was coming back regardless. But I shouldn't have to hear from other people that my own daughter is in town and avoiding me."
I shrug sarcastically. "You say it like you've been actively trying to contact me. You sent me one message, and it was to scold me for something out of my control."