Page 39 of Pretty Savages

"You got expelled from college. Of course I was concerned."

"Mom, no disrespect, but you have your priorities back to front. But that's fine – I don't need any of you. Sorry I'm not the perfect daughter you would like, but in honesty, Brightmore did me a favor. But once again, you don't care about what happened to me, justwhathappened because it doesn't fit into your idea of how I should live my life," I answer in a flat tone.

Mom at least has the audacity to look offended. "Of course I care about you. You're my daughter. I just think you are making decisions that are not the right ones."

I hold up my hand to cut her off. "I'm not having this argument with you again. Especially not here, in my friend's house. You can't just invite yourself here to fight."

She plays with her wedding ring, twisting it nervously. "At least come for dinner before you leave again."

I start laughing, making her gape at me in shock. "Sorry, but no. I'm not coming for a family dinner. Until you learn to respect me, Mom, we have nothing to talk about."

Chapter fourteen

Iripmycarinto the carpark of Wheels so quickly that my back tires fishtail along the gravel.

After finally getting rid of Mom from Phoebe's place, I hightailed out of there. I'm so mad at her, and Asher, for involving themselves in my life again.

I slam the car door as I get out, stomping towards the entrance. The car park is more packed than the other day, so I'm hopeful that perhaps some of the Rebels are here. At the very least, I need a strong drink.

The bar door swings open a bit too forcefully as I walk in, my mind still racing of my encounter with Mom. I don't know what nerve she has turning up at Phoebe's but as soon as I get the chance to say goodbye to Phoebs, I'm heading back to Rosevale.

I'm on too many radars now, and I really just need some breathing space.

Volts looks up at me from behind the bar when I enter. I expect to see his usual grin, but instead his face pulls into one of panic.

"Ry, what are you doing here?" he asks, putting both his hands on the bar.

I pause when I reach the bar, giving him a weird look. "I'm here for a drink?"

Volts gives me a panicked look, his head turning towards the back room door. He swings back to me, his voice low.

"You need to get out of here, now."


The door to the back poker room opens and heavy footsteps step out, followed by a surprised booming voice.

"Well, look who's here?"

I follow the voice, the color draining from my face when I spot Jimmy – from the fucking Norsemen club.

Volts wipes his hands on a rag. "She's just leaving. There's no need for trouble."

Jimmy glares at Volts, before poking his head back through the door to his comrades. More footsteps follow and another person walks out.


"You!" he stammers at me.

I raise my hands, frozen in place. "I just came for a drink. Let's just move on from this."

Jimmy laughs, muttering something inaudible to Leo. He nods in reply, cracking his knuckles.

I reach into my pocket, slapping a 20 on the counter. "Drinks on me," I say to Volts, grabbing my car keys. I hold them in my hand, putting my keys between my fingers like Wolverine as I start backing towards the door. "I'm leaving. Have a drink on me, and just chill," I say calmly.

Turning around, I quickly powerwalk to the bar door, breaking out into a sprint when I reach the outside gravel. As I reach the Chevy door, the bar entrance swings open, Leo calling out.

"Get back here!"