"No idea," he said gently placing her on her feet. She scurried across the floor and grappled for her shorts just as the door swung open.

Lexi froze embarrassment immediately reddening her face. There was nowhere to go to eliminate the possibility that whoever walked in that door was going to see her mostly naked. She silently prayed that whoever it was didn't lead to a potentially more problematic week. She wasn't sure how much more she could handle.

Bracing herself for the worst, Lexi glanced up just as a tall beautiful blonde walked through the door. "Alexa darling, please reconsider coming to work for me. You have such a killer body," Lola said admiring Lexi as she snatched her shorts off the floor to cover herself.

Lexi's blush deepened further. "Lola," she said breathing a sigh of relief.

"Lola, what are you doing here?" Ramsey asked hoping to draw her attention away from Lexi sliding her shorts back on.

"Ramsey, are you certain we can't get her into the club?" Lola asked ignoring his question.

"Absolutely not. You already know that."

"Oh dear," Lola said still looking at Lexi, "no need to blush and cover up. It's not as if I've never seen a woman naked."

Lexi laughed uncomfortably as she did precisely that. "So much for being alone," she mumbled yanking the zipper back into place.

"Oh were you two alone," Lola asked a devious smile playing across her features. "Did I interrupt?"

"Lola, an explanation please," Ramsey asked attempting to keep his cool.

"It's Sunday. I hardly thought I needed an explanation."

"Sunday, right," he said smacking his hand against his forehead in frustration. "Fuck, I forgot."

"You forgot?" Lola asked confusion clouding her face. "I don't understand."

"Oh God Ramsey, were you planning to have a party tonight?" Lexi asked pointedly crossing her arms.

"It wasn't a plan per say," he admitted begrudgingly.

"We set up here every Sunday. It's more of a routine," Lola reminded her. "You should know that dear." Lexi nodded, but she wasn't happy about it. The last thing she wanted was to be surrounded by Ramsey's friends and employees from the clubs. She had been to her fair share of such events, and she was hardly in the mood for what the night typically entailed.

"Lola we have to talk about this," Ramsey said motioning her towards the door.

"Everything's already here though," she told him standing her ground.

Just then Ramsey's phone began to ring loudly. "Fuck hold on," he said digging into his coat pocket and producing the thin phone. He cursed again when he checked who was calling. "I have to take this," he said apologetically to the two women in his living room. "Lola just…I don't know…just bring everything in. We'll talk about this when I'm done."

"Ramsey, are you joking me?" Lexi asked following behind him. "You're really going to have a party…tonight?"

"I have to take this call. I'll talk to you about this in a minute," he said his face set and stern while his eyes pleaded with her to let it go for now.

"Ugh," Lexi grumbled stomping back down the stairs to watch as Ramsey's apartment was transformed before her eyes. She had forgotten how easily everything was set in motion. He threw parties more efficiently than anyone else Lexi had ever met including Chyna, which was really a feat. By the time he would finish his phone call half of the apartment would be set up and it would likely be irreversible.

Lexi slumped down into one of the plush couches and waited for Ramsey to finish his conversation. Lola traipsed over to Lexi's side and perched precariously on the edge of the sofa. "Sorry about all this," she said swishing her blonde hair purposefully to one side.

Lexi just shrugged. There really wasn't anything else to say. "I just thought it was business as usual especially since you haven't been around the last couple of weeks," she threw in inconspicuously.

"Uh huh," Lexi mumbled not wanting to continue to lead the conversation where it was headed.

"About your leaving…"

"Lola let's not," she muttered.

"Yes well obviously it's none of my business," she began twisting a stick-straight piece of hair around her French-manicured finger.

"Well then perhaps you should drop it."

Lola rolled her eyes but persevered. She was used to working with difficult women, and she treated Lexi as if she were no exception. "I am glad you're back you know."

"Wonderful," Lexi said mocking the faux British accent she insisted on using.

"Catty today, are we?" Lola asked smirking. Lexi refrained from answering. "Anyway, about your leaving…I wouldn't think too much into it. He really is working to fix everything. I'd just be patient with him. He's turning his world upside down for you."

Lexi turned her full attention to the woman sitting next to her. She hadn't exactly expected that. Normally, Lola was a little catty herself and entirely too flirtatious. Lexi wasn't sure which team she played for, but if she had to take a guess it wouldn't have been Ramsey's. That had always been the main reason Lexi had never been threatened by Lola and her commanding presence. She ended up flirting more with Lexi than she had ever done with Ramsey. Lexi had briefly wondered if that had more to do with their professional business relationship than her lesbian tendencies, but she had never delved further.

"What do you mean he's turning his world upside down?" Lexi asked tentatively. She had no clue what Lola was even referring to. She hadn't seen or spoken to Ramsey in a month and after she had left Atlanta, she hadn't expected him to continue to work towards salvaging their relationship. Of course he had called her, but it was difficult to distinguish his motives when she refused to answer the phone. But she had needed time to move past their interesting summer together.

"Look I'm not going to give away all his secrets..."

"I'm not sure I'm prepared to learn anymore," Lexi said glumly.

Lola smiled coyly at her. "I'm just saying you should trust me."

"You've given me reason to?"

"You don't have to obviously, but what other option do you have?" Lola asked snippily. Lexi shrugged noncommittally. "That's what I thought. You're back in Atlanta for a reason, and I'm smarter than I look alright? I know this has to do with Ramsey and not this wedding. This wedding was just a catalyst. I'd just trust that things will work out."