"Easy for you to say," Lexi mumbled glancing away from Lola.

"Of course it is, but I spend a good deal of time with him, and I know," Lola said raising her eyebrows and widening her large blue eyes. "I know it when I see it, and he has it…for you."

"And…" Lexi began.

"And no one else," Lola finished for her.

"We'll see."

"No," Lola said shaking her head firmly. "You'll see."

Lexi couldn't listen to her reasoning. Well actually there wasn't much reasoning to it. Lola thought she knew everything, and regardless of how much time she spent with Ramsey, she couldn't know how he was feeling or if they were going to work out. She could say all day that Lexi should trust her judgment, but that didn't mean she was going to. There was too much still unknown hanging in the balance for Lexi to just trust anyone right now.

She had been ten seconds away from having sex with Ramsey only fifteen minutes ago. Now she was sitting on his couch with the woman who had just seen her nearly nude while his apartment was transformed and he sat on a phone call. She was quite alright with just following what was happening. If she attempted to plan anything, she was afraid it would all just come crashing down on her….again.

"Sorry about that," Ramsey said sheepishly as he entered the room.

Lexi could immediately tell something was different about him. His demeanor had shifted completely from when he had last exited the room. She wasn't sure what his phone call had been in regards to, but she would put money on it that it wasn't something that she would like.

"It's alright," Lexi stated hesitantly.

Lola took that as her cue and stood. "Well darling the preparations are nearly complete. You're not going to break my heart by canceling are you?" she asked pouting her bottom lip.

"No," he stated firmly. "A party is fine."

Knowing better than to argue when his mind was set, Lexi allowed the remainder of the preparations to continue without a hitch. She wasn't too pleased with the fact that she was going to have to endure a party atmosphere her first night back in town, but there was no turning back now. All she wanted to do was corner Ramsey and find out what his phone call had been about. So far he had successfully evaded her, and she hadn't been able to get close enough to him to know anything.

She could tell it was purposive. For some reason, he didn't want her to know about his conversation. A million different scenarios played over in her head. She kept turning back to the idea that it must be Jack. Perhaps it was because he was on her mind, but it did make sense why he wouldn't want to talk to her about it. Sure he had just been here to talk to Ramsey, but what if he was still having second thoughts.

As a groomsman, it was kind of his duty to be on call about these types of situations. And for some reason that Lexi couldn't fathom, Ramsey felt loyal to his sister. He would do anything to make sure that she was happy even when she was threatening to destroy his life. Bekah had been when he had gone through all the difficulties in his life and for that reason alone Ramsey swore fealty to her.

Though her mind remained fixed on Jack, she couldn't help but wonder if she was overstating Ramsey's importance in this entire affair. Sure Jack had come by to speak with him, but why would he call back? More doubts surely could be triggered since Jack had always had severe reservations regarding marriage. But what would be the point? Ramsey would surely have told him the same things as before. If it hadn't relinquished any of his fears, then it surely wouldn't by talking to him further.

And now that she thought about it, Ramsey hadn't acted this strange when Jack had been waiting for them outside of his apartment. He had been calm and resolute when they had first arrived, and only slightly hesitant afterwards. He hadn't attempted to avoid her. In fact, the exact opposite had ended up occurring.

The usual suspects started pouring into Ramsey's apartment just as the final touches were complete. Lexi was greeted with a warm welcome from Ramsey now former roommates. She had to fend off their advances and couldn't keep from giggling as Brad's hands traveled lower and lower in their friendly embrace. She smacked him hard on the shoulder and turned towards Jason who wasn't much help.

"So you guys moved out?" she asked hopping out of arms reach.

"Yeah, we just got a new place in Buckhead," Jason told her.

"Bachelor pad. Nice," Lexi said smiling.

"Yeah, it's too bad you moved out right when you did," Brad began, "Since Ramsey was…" Jason smacked Brad's shoulder effectively silencing him.

Lexi glanced between the two guys. Both looked as if they had just been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. "Ramsey was doing what?"

"Nothing," they both muttered in unison.

Lexi narrowed her eyes and let them dart between Brad and Jason. "Now listen here. What are you two hiding from me?"

Brad looked at Jason at the same time as Jason looked Brad and then they both shrugged. "Hiding?" Jason asked a smirk crossing his face.

"Are you hiding something?" Brad asked Jason.

"I'm not. Are you?"

"Nope," Brad said popping the last syllable.

"You think you're fooling me, but you're not," Lexi told them over the music.

"Lexi, Lexi, Lexi," Brad said draping an arm over her shoulders, "we would never think of trying to fool you."

"Then what was Ramsey doing?" Lexi persisted.

"I have no idea to what you are referring," Brad muttered looking for Jason for reassurance.

"Yeah you lost me," Jason chimed in.

Lexi let out a deep breath and crossed her arms over her chest. "Are you guys honestly doing this right now?"

Jason and Brad gave each other a meaningful look before venturing forward. "Look we don't want to ruin anything between you two," Jason began.

"Too late," Lexi mumbled.

"It is not," Brad added.

"Anyway," Jason said shooting daggers at Brad, "we just want you to relax and have a good time. Ramsey's changed since he's been with you and we can all tell that it's for the better. Honestly, Lexi whatever he had planned…whatever you may not have known about…it's only good from here on out."

"Why do people keep saying that?" Lexi grumbled. "There's no way for you to know that."